Anders W. Berthelsen
Anders W. Berthelsen
Top Movie Cast
Italian for Beginnerstrue- Andreas We Shall Overcometrue- Freddie Svale Above the Street, Below the Watertrue- Bjørn Island of Lost Soulstrue- Herman Just Another Love Storytrue- Jonas Truth About Mentrue- Godsejerens søn / Himself King's Gametrue- Ulrik Torp The Black Madonnatrue- Gustav What No One Knowstrue- Thomas Deleuran The Christmas Partytrue- Fimse Catch That Girltrue- Henrik Superclasicotrue- Christian The Little Alientrue- (voice) The Reunion 2: The Funeraltrue- Andreas A Lucky Mantrue- Flemming Bamse Duun Jørgensen The Carteltrue- Lars Halbo Cecilietrue- Per Hartmann Børnene fra Sølvgadetrue- Brian Comebacktrue- Thomas Vang Kingmakertrue- Ulrik Torp The Weight of Watertrue- Evan Christenson The Reunion 3: Baptismtrue- Andreas Count to 100true- The Father Ditte & Louisetrue- Anders Held for Ransomtrue- Arthur Mother at Wartrue- Anton Seiersen The Idiots Who Started The Partytrue- Himself A Copenhagen Love Storytrue- Læge 3 Top Movie Crew
A Lucky MantrueProduction
Lykkelige omstændighedertrueDirecting
Held for RansomtrueDirecting
Held for RansomtrueProduction