Eugene Forde
Eugene Forde
Top Movie Cast
The Innocence of Lizettetrue- Paul Top Movie Crew
Charlie Chan in LondontrueDirecting
Dressed to KilltrueDirecting
36 Hours to KilltrueDirecting
Charlie Chan on BroadwaytrueDirecting
Charlie Chan at Monte CarlotrueDirecting
Charlie Chan's Murder CruisetrueDirecting
The Invisible WalltrueDirecting
The Crime Doctor’s Strangest CasetrueDirecting
Shadows in the NighttrueDirecting
Sleepers WesttrueDirecting
Berlin CorrespondenttrueDirecting
Michael Shayne: Private DetectivetrueDirecting
Inspector HornleightrueDirecting
The Great Hotel MurdertrueDirecting
International SettlementtrueDirecting
Charlie Chan's CouragetrueDirecting
The Crimson KeytrueDirecting
The Country BeyondtrueDirecting
Midnight TaxitrueDirecting
One Wild NighttrueDirecting
The Son of the Golden WesttrueDirecting
The Big Diamond RobberytrueDirecting
The Big Diamond RobberytrueWriting
Daredevil's RewardtrueDirecting
Painted PosttrueDirecting
Cupid and the ClocktrueDirecting
Step Lively, Jeeves!trueDirecting
Charter PilottrueDirecting
Meet the GirlstrueDirecting
Man at LargetrueDirecting
Buy Me That TowntrueDirecting
The Lady EscapestrueDirecting
Your Uncle DudleytrueDirecting
Jewels of BrandenburgtrueDirecting
Hello Cheyenne!trueDirecting