Bohuš Hradil
Bohuš Hradil
Top Movie Cast
Labyrint srdcetrue- manager Pramenu The Emperor and the Golemtrue- Tycho de Brahe Einstein kontra Babinskýtrue The Hen and the Sextontrue- Lojza It was in Maytrue- Votruba Kavárna na hlavní třídětrue Anna the Proletariantrue- CKD Engineer (as Bohus Hradil) The Traptrue- innkeeper Berka Zítra se bude tančit všudetrue- profesor AMU Hasek’s Tales from the Old Monarchytrue- Ucitel Action Btrue- investigating officer The Secret of Bloodtrue- Dr. Pluhar The Best Mantrue- Marcan (as B. Hradil) Zaostřit prosím!true- senior official Občan Brychtrue- professor in a hat Jan Žižkatrue- Prague citizen Kudy kam?true- Svatka clerk Páté kolo u vozutrue- Man in commission Today for the Last Timetrue- Maškův kolega z orchestru Once Upon a Time, There Was a King...true- dvořan The House of the Five Squirrelstrue A Dead Man among the Livingtrue Chlap jako horatrue- sociální referent What Will My Wife Say to This?true