Sándor Suka
Sándor Suka
Top Movie Cast
Story of My Foolishnesstrue- Actor Willy the Sparrowtrue- Zsozsó, the drunk rat Csutak and the Grey Horsetrue- Kati's father Two Half-Times in Helltrue- Koczina Collisiontrue- Terpinkó's brother-in-law A Certain Major Benedektrue Othello in the Provincetrue Summer Cloudstrue- Sztetelay A corneville-i harangoktrue- Bíró Underground Colonytrue- Környe Sparrows Are Birds Tootrue- Rendőrtiszt The Treasure of Swamp Castletrue- Prince Eugene of Savoy (voice) Merry-Go-Roundtrue- Czigány Márton Innocent Assassinstrue- Szuhay, 'nyomozó' On Home Groundstrue- Szurkoló The Insulttrue- Idős vendég Tales of a Long Journeytrue- Szerb A Window on the Skytrue- Huszár Mattie the Goose-Boytrue- Puskatöltögetõ (voice) Weights and Measurestrue- Doctor Kionower Smugglerstrue- Romanian border guard