Sze-Ma Wah-Lung
Sze-Ma Wah-Lung
Top Movie Cast
My Intimate Partnertrue- Ho Kin 贺健 The Black Killertrue- Ching Fei The Angry Dragontrue- Village chef Chao The Great Jungle Escapetrue The Great Devotiontrue- Chow Tak-Wah Love Never Fadestrue- Chow Pak-Kwan Devil's Lovetrue- Detective Bedside Horrortrue- Inspector Ma Shaky Stepstrue- Inspector Horror by the Seatrue- Lam Tin The Eagle Shooting Heroestrue- Persian King The Legendary La Rose Noiretrue Massage Girlstrue- Miu Chun's father The Case of 'Missing Corpse’true- Lawyer Lee Broken Oathtrue- Mr. Wong Forever Belovedtrue- Chow Chi Tat Big Times for the Crazy Bumpkinstrue- Charity act host Last Hero in Chinatrue- Member of 4 Com. Associations Na Cha the Greattrue- Na Cha's teacher Ghost That Was Nottrue- Dr. Chan A Man Betrayal, Part Twotrue Ching Ming Festivaltrue- Ling Bing Wo Absent-minded Wifetrue- Chi Yau Madam City Huntertrue- Priest Crazy Bumpkinstrue- Policeman in the park Winter Lovetrue- Wong Shui-hung Midnight Werewolftrue- Doctor Sau Mantis Fists & Tiger Claws of Shaolintrue- Shuang Shuang's Father The Witchtrue- Buddhist Fortress Fighter Dial 999 for 24-Hour Murder Casetrue- Sgt. Ng A Gambler's Storytrue- Mr. Chu The Mini-Skirt Gangtrue- Man Cheated On Toilet The Ten Brothers Vs. the Sea Monstertrue- 1st brother The One-armed Magic Nuntrue The Prodigal Boxertrue- Fong Sai-Yuk's father One Foot Cranetrue- Police Captain Chow Lung Han Fist of Fury 1991true- One of the 4th Brother The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tungtrue- Foster Father's Friend Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesantrue- Governor Chou Naked Poisontrue- Uncle Kim Thou Shalt Not Sweartrue- Barber Winners & Sinnerstrue- Man in Audience Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabretrue Lady in Black Cracks the Gate of Helltrue- Policeman How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodiestrue Stonertrue- Man at auction My Left Eye Sees Ghoststrue- Elderly Ghost The Legend of Drunken Mastertrue- Ying's Friend at Restaurant The Himalayantrue- Tseng's Friend The Lady with a Cat's Eyestrue- Chow Wah Dak Profile Images
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