Sachiko Chiba
Sachiko Chiba
Top Movie Cast
Saga of the Vagabonds, Part Two: Forward at Dawntrue Wife! Be Like a Rose!true- Kimiko Yamamoto The Actress and the Poettrue- Chieko Man of the Housetrue- Chidori The Road I Travel with Youtrue Morning's Tree-Lined Streettrue- Chiyo A Husband's Chastity: If Spring Comes & Fall Once Againtrue Romantic and Crazytrue- Machiko The Girl in the Rumortrue- Kunie The Day Beforetrue- Yoshie Todo Saga of the Vagabonds, Part One: Tiger and Wolftrue- Princess Koyuki Iemitsu and Hikozatrue- Lady Kasuga A Man's Flower Road of Triumphtrue My Nightingaletrue- Sumida's wife Saga of the Vagabonds, Part One: Tiger and Wolftrue A Husband's Chastity: Fall Againtrue A Husband's Chastity: If Spring Comestrue