Jiro Sakagami
Jiro Sakagami
Top Movie Cast
48 Hours of Prisoner Op Trackingtrue Travels of Lord Mitotrue- Jirobei The Sound of the Wavestrue A Class to Remembertrue- Linen factory president Lullaby of Deathtrue- Ikumatsu Anne Frank's Diarytrue- Hermann van Daan Beauty Wandering Storytrue Amagi Passtrue- Sweet shop owner Woman Gambler and the Nuntrue Konto 55: Grand Outer Space Adventuretrue- Serizawa Kaku Snowland Revisitedtrue- Kobayashi Spoonful of Happinesstrue The Highest Honourtrue- Major Kimura Sadatrue- Miyazaki Toshisaburo The Adventures of Kosuke Kindaichitrue- Goemon Ishida Konto 55: Mankind's Weaknessestrue Konto 55: Grandson of a Ninjatrue Konto 55: The Weaknesses of the Centurytrue- Yota Kitagawa Mahjong Demon 5 Final Edition: One-man Retirement Matchtrue- The Legendary Drug Dealer, Mouri Mappira shain yūkyōdentrue