Rie Minemura
Rie Minemura
Top Movie Cast
Your Turn to Kill: The Movietrue- Misato Akaike The Samurai That Nighttrue- Snack Bar Owner スケート靴の約束 ~名古屋女子フィギュア物語~true All Around Ustrue- Keiko Ubukata The Dog won't Eat it, but Charlie Laughstrue Do Unto Otherstrue- Mariko Inoguchi The Cowards Who Looked to the Skytrue- Machiko / Satomi''s mother in-law Flying Colorstrue- Reiji's Mother Anthropologist Kumiko Misaki Murder Exam 6true- Yasue Oda The Stand-In Thieftrue- Mayumi Yonemura After the Stormtrue- Natsumi When I Get Home, My Wife Always Pretends to Be Deadtrue- Mogi's Wife Silver Angeltrue- Junko Kinoshita Tales of the Bizarre: 2009 Spring Specialtrue Welcome to the Quiet Roomtrue- Nurse Gumi. Chocolate. Pine.true