Katja Raganelli
Katja Raganelli
Top Movie Cast
Portrait of Actress Delphine Seyrigtrue- Self Women Are Naturally Creative: Agnès Vardatrue- Self Top Movie Crew
Portrait of Actress Delphine SeyrigtrueDirecting
Lotte Reiniger: Homage to the Inventor of the Silhouette FilmtrueDirecting
Lotte Reiniger: Homage to the Inventor of the Silhouette FilmtrueWriting
Alice Guy-BlachétrueWriting
Marta Meszaros: Portrait of the Hungarian FilmmakertrueDirecting
Maybe I Really Am a SorceresstrueProduction
Maybe I Really Am a SorceresstrueWriting
Maybe I Really Am a SorceresstrueDirecting
Marta Meszaros: Portrait of the Hungarian FilmmakertrueWriting
Women Are Naturally Creative: Agnès VardatrueDirecting
Die Frauen in Ingmar Bergmans FilmentrueDirecting
Alice Guy-BlachétrueDirecting
Joan Micklin Silver: Encounters with the New York DirectortrueWriting
Joan Micklin Silver: Encounters with the New York DirectortrueDirecting
Longing for Women: Dorothy ArznertrueWriting
Longing for Women: Dorothy ArznertrueDirecting