Garry Owen
Garry Owen
Top Movie Cast
Arsenic and Old Lacetrue- Taxi Cab Driver The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxertrue- Policeman at Airport (uncredited) The Crooked Waytrue- Man from Green Acres Mortuary The Admiral Was a Ladytrue- Watson Jones Criss Crosstrue- Johnny (uncredited) The Dark Mirrortrue- Franklin Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Towntrue- Delivery Man (uncredited) It Happened on Fifth Avenuetrue- Detective (uncredited) Little Miss Markertrue- Grinder (uncredited) Child of Manhattantrue- Buddy McGonagle Here Comes Troubletrue- Sports Editor (uncredited) My Brother Talks to Horsestrue- The Chestnut's Handler (uncredited) True Confessiontrue- Tony Krauch I Cheated the Lawtrue- Jerry Racketeers in Exiletrue- Sy The Tiger Womantrue- Bartender The Pride of the Yankeestrue- Scorecard Vendor (uncredited) The Return of Sophie Langtrue- 'Nosey' Schwartz The Checkered Coattrue- Prince Knock on Any Doortrue- Larry (uncredited) Magic Towntrue- Cigar Counter Clerk (uncredited) Something for the Boystrue- Corporal O'Neill (uncredited) Anchors Aweightrue- 2nd Soldier at USO (uncredited) Call of The Yukontrue- Conner Contented Calvestrue- Breezy - Photographer Havana Widowstrue- Sphinx Club Croupier (uncredited) Top Flattrue- Garry, Patsy's friend (as Gary Owen) My Dear Miss Aldrichtrue- Policeman (uncredited) You're Only Young Oncetrue- Guide (uncredited) Angels Wash Their Facestrue- Driver Whose Car Hit Sleepy (uncredited) Flying Devilstrue- Carnival Ticket Seller Crime of the Centurytrue- Taxi Driver The Case of the Black Cattrue- Paul Drake Naughty But Nicetrue- Bartender (uncredited) Stage Mothertrue- Jerry, Stagehand (uncredited) Too Late for Tearstrue- Police Officer at Switchboard (uncredited) Men with Wingstrue- Reporter Start Cheeringtrue- Gas Station Attendant Devil's Playgroundtrue- Radio Man Idiot's Delighttrue- Newsstand Vendor Made for Each Othertrue- Denver Radio Operator (uncredited) Within the Lawtrue- Jenks' Associate Boulder Damtrue- Dam Worker (uncredited) Lucky Nighttrue- Willie Smith (uncredited) A Child Is Borntrue- First Drugstore Clerk (uncredited) King of Hockeytrue- Jitters McCarthy, the Referee Dust Be My Destinytrue- Milkman (uncredited) The Flying Saucertrue- Bartender at Ernie's Heart of the Northtrue- Tom 'Tommy' Ryan Sailors on Leavetrue- Thompson The Country Doctortrue- Jerry (uncredited) It's a Wonderful Lifetrue- Bill-Poster (uncredited) Fallen Angeltrue- Waiter (uncredited) Son of a Sailortrue- Sailor Johnson Mildred Piercetrue- Policeman on Pier (uncredited) Notorioustrue- Motorcycle Policeman (uncredited) The Thin Mantrue- Detective (uncredited) The Killerstrue- Joe Smalley (uncredited) Andy Hardy's Blonde Troubletrue- Taxi Driver #3 (uncredited) City for Conquesttrue- Reporter (uncredited) It Had to Be Youtrue- Second Cab Driver (uncredited) Women Without Namestrue- Reporter Bombay Mailtrue- Cuthbert Neal Wide Open Facestrue- Pineapple I Live My Lifetrue- Elevator Operator (Uncredited) The Woman of the Towntrue- Alhambra Dealer Saturday's Millionstrue- Football Announcer Ceiling Zerotrue- Mike Owens Slightly Dangeroustrue- Detective (uncredited) The Gay Bridetrue- Reporter (uncredited) A Night to Remembertrue- Mailman (uncredited) My Favorite Brunettetrue- Reporter (uncredited) Special Agenttrue- Carston's Henchman (uncredited) The Good Humor Mantrue- Elevator Starter (uncredited) Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywoodtrue- Director's Assistant (uncredited) Bullets or Ballotstrue- The Spotter (uncredited) Adventuretrue- Jabbo (unconfirmed) The File on Thelma Jordontrue- Bailiff (Uncredited) The Phantom Speakstrue- Louis Fabian Appointment for Lovetrue- Reporter (uncredited) The Wagons Roll at Nighttrue- Gus The Postman Always Rings Twicetrue- Truck Driver (uncredited) Up Goes Maisietrue- Elevator Operator (Uncredited) Money Madnesstrue- Vance - Reporter (uncredited) Lady in a Jamtrue- Man at Auction (uncredited) The Fuller Brush Mantrue- Creamy (uncredited) You Can't Get Away with Murdertrue- Lock Man Inventor (uncredited)