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Paradetrue- Teisėjas Artūras Who's Stronger Than Himtrue Ночной таверны огонёкtrue Royal Opera House 2023/24: Carmentrue When the Oaks Were Fallingtrue- Adomėlis "Čigonas" The Beast Rising from the Seatrue Walnut Breadtrue- Peliūkštis His Wife's Confessiontrue- Juodis Ticket to the Taj Mahaltrue- Zigmas Markizas ir piemenaitėtrue Christmas. Uncensoredtrue- Richard Facttrue- Investigator (voice) A Woman and Her Four Mentrue- Beggar Time of the Full Moontrue Cinephiliatrue- Sesilijos tėvas Pirosmani, Pirosmani...true A Streetcar Named Desiretrue- Stenlis My Mother Gave Birth to Me Happy...true I'll Not Become a Gangster, Deartrue- 'Mazylis' Bredis The Devil's Seedtrue- Jonis Lost Farmlandtrue- mokinys Petkus The Coincidence of Circumstancetrue I'm Sorrytrue- Daktaras Jonas Kondrotas La Traviatatrue- Il Marchese d'Obigny Profile Images
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