Funke Akindele
Funke Akindele
Top Movie Cast
Chief Daddy 2: Going for Broketrue The Return of Jenifatrue- Jenifa A Tribe Called Judahtrue- Jedidiah Judah Battle on Buka Streettrue- Yejide House of Ga'atrue- Ayinba A Trip to Jamaicatrue- Bola Moms at Wartrue- funke akindele Chief Daddytrue- Tinu Beecroft Omo Ghetto: The Sagatrue- Lefty Your Excellencytrue- Kemi Ajadi Everybody Loves Jenifatrue- Jenifa Everybody Loves Jenifertrue Top Movie Crew
The Return of JenifatrueWriting
The Return of JenifatrueProduction
A Tribe Called JudahtrueProduction
A Tribe Called JudahtrueDirecting
A Tribe Called JudahtrueWriting
Battle on Buka StreettrueDirecting
Battle on Buka StreettrueWriting
Omo Ghetto: The SagatrueDirecting
Your ExcellencytrueWriting
Your ExcellencytrueDirecting
Everybody Loves JenifatrueDirecting
Everybody Loves JenifatrueWriting
Everybody Loves JenifatrueProduction