Roberto De Angelis
Roberto De Angelis
Top Movie Crew
Il bambino e il poliziottotrueCamera
The UnforgivabletrueCamera
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe OriginstrueCamera
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe OriginstrueCamera
Perdiamoci di vistatrueCamera
Maledetto il giorno che t'ho incontratotrueCamera
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of BenghazitrueCamera
The Passion of the ChristtrueCamera
Prima le donne e i bambinitrueCamera
Mary and MarthatrueCamera
The Heir Apparent: Largo WinchtrueDirecting
Largo Winch IItrueDirecting
The Roman Spring of Mrs. StonetrueCamera
The Roman Spring of Mrs. StonetrueCamera
Donne con le gonnetrueCamera
Me, Myself and HertrueArt