Neil Fitzgerald
Neil Fitzgerald
Top Movie Cast
The Thanksgiving Visitortrue- Uncle B Charlie Chan in Shanghaitrue- Dakin - Colonel Watkins' Aide Arrest Bulldog Drummondtrue- Sir Malcolm McLeonard London by Nighttrue- Inspector Sleet Parnelltrue- Richard Pigott Bulldog Drummond in Africatrue- McTurk Bulldog Drummond's Bridetrue- Evan Barrows The Reformation: Age of Revolttrue- Pope Hadrian VI The White Angeltrue- Officer in Barracks (uncredited) Mr. Moto's Last Warningtrue- English Sergeant (uncredited) Bulldog Drummond's Secret Policetrue- Rockingham Stationmaster The Perfect Gentlemantrue- Hotel Waiter (uncredited) Sergeant Maddentrue- Casey (police broadcaster) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmestrue- Clerk of the Court (uncredited) Bride of Frankensteintrue- Rudy (uncredited) Kidnappedtrue- English Officer International Settlementtrue- British Clerk The Plough and the Starstrue- Langon Vanessa: Her Love Storytrue- Army Doctor Niagaratrue- Customs Officer (uncredited) They're Always Caughttrue- Forensic Assistant (uncredited) The Informertrue- Tommy Connor What Every Woman Knowstrue- Shand's Friend (uncredited) Rulers of the Seatrue- Dr. Taylor on Steamship (Uncredited) Marie Antoinettetrue- First Councilor (uncredited)