Charles King
Charles King
Top Movie Cast
Love Is Newstrue- Salesman (uncredited) A Man's Landtrue- Joe - Henchman Outlawed Gunstrue- Henchman Frank Davilla (as Chas. King) Arizona Stage Coachtrue- Tim Douglas The Fighting Troopertrue- Landeau - Henchman Riders of the Rockiestrue- Henchman Butch Regan Song of the Buckarootrue- Max Groat The Mystery Troopertrue- Mack His Fighting Bloodtrue- Constable Black, RCMP (as Chas. King) Chick Carter, Detectivetrue- Joe Carney Rollin' Plainstrue- Trigger Gargan Sing Cowboy Singtrue- Henchman Red Holman The Mystery of the Hooded Horsementrue- Blackie Devlin Paroled - To Dietrue- Barfly Tex Rides with the Boy Scoutstrue- Bert Stark, Dorman Henchman Borrowed Herotrue- Arresting Cop (uncredited) Fuzzy Settles Downtrue- Lafe Barlow The Crooked Trailtrue- Lanning The Kid Rides Againtrue- Vic Landeau Trouble in Texastrue- Pinto The Lawless Ninetiestrue- Henchman Hartley Brand of the Outlawstrue- Rufe Matlock Below the Bordertrue- Steve Slade Shadow of Chinatowntrue- Grogan Forbidden Trailstrue- Fulton Feud of the Rangetrue- Henchman Dirk Devil Riderstrue- Del Stone Santa Fe Boundtrue- Steve Denton Rootin' Tootin' Rhythmtrue- Black Jim Lucky Terrortrue- Wheeler Harmony Trailtrue- Jim Sorrell The Lone Avengertrue- Nip Hawkes Riders of the Westtrue- Henchman Hogan Enemy of the Lawtrue- Charley Gray Gangsters of the Frontiertrue- Pete Haner Guns and Guitarstrue- Henchman Sam Hittin' the Trailtrue- Henchman Slug His Brother's Ghosttrue- Thorne The Red Blood of Couragetrue- Henchman Joe Ghost Town Lawtrue- Henchman Gus The Miracle Ridertrue- Hatton The Adventures of Rex and Rintytrue- Martin Young Bloodtrue- Sheriff Jake Sharpe Born to Battletrue- Jim Larmer The Pocatello Kidtrue- One-Eye Trinidad Desert Phantomtrue- Henchman Dan The Phantom of the Rangetrue- Henchman Mark Braden Rip Roarin' Buckarootrue- 'Bones' Kennedy Last of the Warrenstrue- Kent The Law Ridestrue- Hank Davis Andy's Stump Speechtrue- Guest in Lobby The Ol' Gray Hosstrue- Passenger Who Gets Free Ride The Monster and the Apetrue- First Cop with Thor The Fighting Parsontrue- Henchman Mike Just My Lucktrue- Henchman Lefty Jungle Raiderstrue- Jake Rayne Meanwhile, Back at the Ranchtrue- (archive footage) The Idaho Kidtrue- Bibb Slagel Fighting Thrutrue- Henchman Fox Tyson The Trusted Outlawtrue- Bert Gilmore A Lawman Is Borntrue- Bert Moscript The Gambling Terrortrue- Brett Utah Trailtrue- Henchman Badger Where the Buffalo Roamtrue- Henchman Bull Thunder in the Deserttrue- Curt Harris The Fighting Deputytrue- Scar Adams aka Jim Denton On the Great White Trailtrue- Henchman LaGrange Border Badmentrue- Merritt Songs and Saddlestrue- Lewis Sheppard aka Falcon Gun Packertrue- Chance Moore Raiders of Red Gaptrue- Jack Bennett The Mad Whirltrue- Bit Part Son of the Bordertrue- Henchey Strawberry Roantrue- Curley Lightning Strikes Westtrue- Joe Lakin Blazing Gunstrue- Henchman Blackie Death Valley Rangerstrue- Henchman Blackie Arizona Whirlwindtrue- Henchman Duke Rollins Alias: The Bad Mantrue- Black Mike Richards The Two Gun Mantrue- Thorne The Arizona Terrortrue- Henchman Ike Range Lawtrue- 'Bull' Legal Oklahoma Bluestrue- Fake Sheriff The Great Miketrue- Doc Slagle Billy the Kid in Santa Fetrue- Steve Barton The Iron Clawtrue- Silk Langdon Under Montana Skiestrue- Frank Blake The Navajo Trailtrue- Henchman Red The Luck of Roaring Camptrue- Sandy Frontier Towntrue- Henchman Pete Denby Man Of The Peopletrue- Announcer (uncredited) Red River Valleytrue- Sam After the Dancetrue- Extra as Cafe Customer Sutter's Goldtrue- San Francisco Committee Man The Phantom Creepstrue- Cop Songs and Bulletstrue- Sheriff The Defense Reststrue- Reporter That's Entertainment!true- (archive footage) Zorro's Fighting Legiontrue- Henchman Valdez The Oregon Trailtrue- Dirk - Morgan Henchman Northern Frontiertrue- Mountie Wallace (uncredited) Guns of the Lawtrue- Kendall Lowther Frontier Pony Expresstrue- Henchman Lookout at Pine Ridge Station Down the Wyoming Trailtrue- George Red Becker The Dawn Trailtrue- Skeets Headin' for the Rio Grandetrue- Henchman Tick Death Rides the Rangetrue- Dr. Flotow Death Rides the Rangetrue- Joe Larkin Outlaw Justicetrue- Volge Outlaws of the Plainstrue- Nord Finner Mutiny in the Big Housetrue- Harris Billy the Kid Wantedtrue- Jack Saunders South of the Bordertrue- Bandit Riders from Nowheretrue- Trigger Two Fisted Justicetrue- Trigger Farley, Henchman Shadow of Chinatowntrue- Grogan The Cheyenne Kidtrue- Henchman Carson Frontiers of '49true- Howard Brunton The Texas Marshaltrue- Henchman Ray Titus Rollin' Westwardtrue- Pat Haines Wild Horse Rangetrue- Stoner Sundown on the Prairietrue- Nate Dorgan Pirates of the Prairietrue- Henchman Layton Adventure in Saharatrue- Legionaire Ambush Trailtrue- Henchman Al Craig Outlaws of Boulder Passtrue- Jake Bad Men of Thunder Gaptrue- Henchman Pete Black Acestrue- Jess Walker Killer at Largetrue- Bartender Libeled Ladytrue- Barker (uncredited) Lawless Breedtrue- Tim Carson Rustlers' Hideouttrue- Buck Shaw Somewhere In Wrongtrue- A suitor Three on a Tickettrue- Drunk The Fighting Champtrue- Jock Malone Did'ja Know?true- Sleepy Businessman (uncredited) Shadows of Deathtrue- Steve Landreau The Gunman From Bodietrue- Steve Dunn The Lone Rider Crosses the Riotrue- Jarvis Mesquite Buckarootrue- Trigger Carson Flaming Fatherstrue- Picnicker at the Beach (uncredited) Million Dollar Haultrue- Savonne Inside Informationtrue- 'Blackie' Black Law and Ordertrue- Mil Crawford Ridin' the Lone Trailtrue- Dusty Williams Gangster's Dentrue- Butch Oklahoma Frontiertrue- Henchman Soapy Under Texas Skiestrue- Rancher Pony Posttrue- Hamilton, the Gambler Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairietrue- Outlaw Billy the Kid in Texastrue- Dave Billy the Kid's Gun Justicetrue- Henchman Ed Baker The Lone Rider in Ghost Towntrue- Roberts The Kid Rangertrue- Henchman Joe Deadwood Dicktrue- Henchman Tex Phantom Rangertrue- Henchman Dan The Phantom Ridertrue- Keeler Perils of the Royal Mountedtrue- Curly Superman Kirk Alyntrue- Conrad Flaming Frontierstrue- Blackie - Henchman West of Carson Citytrue- Henchman Drag Valley of the Lawlesstrue- Henchman Regan Sunset of Powertrue- Jim Coley Son of the Navytrue- Duke Johnson -Detective Tailspin Tommy in The Great Air Mysterytrue- Burly Henchman in Pith Helmet The Green Archertrue- Tardoni Terry and the Piratestrue- Henchman Blackie The Gay Buckarootrue- 'Faro' Parker Cowboys from Texastrue- Cattleman Beau Sinner Take Alltrue- Reporter (uncredited) The Man from Thunder Rivertrue- Henchman Billy The Kid's Fighting Palstrue- Badger Cowboy in the Cloudstrue- Thripp Boss of Rawhidetrue- Frank Hade California Joetrue- Henchman Ashley Border Buckaroostrue- Rance Daggett Cattle Stampedetrue- Brandon Outlaws of the Rio Grandetrue- Henchman Trigger Border Rounduptrue- Blackie Prairie Palstrue- Mitchell Land of Hunted Mentrue- Faro Wilson Raiders of the Westtrue- Duke Mallory Lone Star Law Mentrue- Duke Lawson Sonora Stagecoachtrue- Blackie Reed Outlaw Trailtrue- Chuck Walters Sheriff of Sage Valleytrue- Sloane Trail Riderstrue- Ed Cole Billy The Kid's Round-Uptrue- Ed Slade The Lone Rider Ambushedtrue- Ranch Hand (uncredited) Where Trails Endtrue- Jim Regan (Crooked Rancher) White Eagletrue- Henchman Brace Along the Sundown Trailtrue- Big Ben Salter Tumbleweed Trailtrue- Vic Landreau, Henchman Fighting Valleytrue- Henchman Slim Desert Bandittrue- Dying Henchman at Wagon (uncredited) Outlaws of Stampede Passtrue- Henchman Steve Law of the Rangetrue- Henchman Walt The Lone Rider Fights Backtrue- Mitter The Pinto Bandittrue- Spur Sneely Riders of the Rio Grandetrue- Thumber The Stranger From Pecostrue- Henchman Harmon Western Cyclonetrue- Ace Harmon Haunted Ranchtrue- Henchman Chuck The Ghost Ridertrue- Henchman Steve Cook Brand of the Deviltrue- Bucko Lynn Dead or Alivetrue- Red Avery Valley Of Vengeancetrue- Burke Outlaw Rounduptrue- Frank Harkins Oath of Vengeancetrue- Mort Marked for Murdertrue- Pete Magoo Navajo Kidtrue- Cactus Hedges Frontier Outlawstrue- Barlow Thundering Gun Slingerstrue- Steve Kirby Law of the Valleytrue- Henchman Miller Land of the Outlawstrue- Henchman Bart Three in the Saddletrue- Bart Rawlings The Caravan Trailtrue- Reno Thunder Towntrue- Bill Rankin Black Arrowtrue- Townsman (uncredited) Flaming Bulletstrue- Porky Smith Ghost Of Hidden Valleytrue- Ed Blackie Dawson Law of the Lashtrue- Sheriff Rand Ridin' Down the Trailtrue- Brown The Rangers Take Overtrue- Kip Lane Starlight Over Texastrue- Henchman Hank Boston Badlands of Dakotatrue- Plainview Gunman Silent Valleytrue- Harry Keller Blazing Frontiertrue- Bidder at Auction The Texas Kidtrue- Red Grogan Calling Wild Bill Elliotttrue- Henchman Ace Roar of the Presstrue- Police Lieutenant Homer Thomas Lightnin' Crandalltrue- Carson Blaine Lady by Choicetrue- Drunk (uncredited) The Hurricane Expresstrue- Mike The Lady Confessestrue- Beach Cop Men of the Plainstrue- Johnson The White Gorillatrue- J. Morgan The Red Ropetrue- Red Mike - Henchman Trail of Terrortrue- Hashknife The Trail of the Octopustrue- Henchman A Guy Named Joetrue- Lt. Collins (uncredited) Keep 'Em Flyingtrue- Cadet (uncredited) The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Gunman (uncredited) Stagecoach Expresstrue- Henchman-Bartender Talbot The Oklahoma Cyclonetrue- McKim - aka Black Diablo The Silver Bullettrue- Luke Hargrave The Roaring Westtrue- Henchman Tex Overland Stagecoachtrue- Railroad Worker (uncredited) God's Country and the Mantrue- Red Gentry Baby Talkstrue- Party Magician Vanishing Mentrue- Butch Grimes The Phantom Creepstrue- Car-Crash Cop (uncredited) The Taming of the Westtrue- Jackson Honor of the Mountedtrue- Trapper Charlie Crashing Broadwaytrue- Gus Jeffries Son of the Guardsmantrue- Sir Edgar Bullard (uncredited) Singing Rivertrue- Grimes Mississippitrue- Desk Clerk (uncredited) Fair and Muddytrue- Chauffeur