Wheeler Oakman
Wheeler Oakman
Top Movie Cast
The Devil's Chaplaintrue- Nicholay Father and Sontrue- Anton Lebau The Donovan Affairtrue- Porter Land of Fighting Mentrue- Wallace Alone in the Jungletrue- Concho Etienne of the Glad Hearttrue- Etienne Cloquet Rusty Rides Alonetrue- Poe Powers The Smuggler's Sistertrue- The Revenue Officer Square Shootertrue- Jim Thorne Bowery at Midnighttrue- "Trigger" Stratton The Pace That Thrillstrue- Director The Lawless Womantrue- 'Poker' Wilson One Is Guiltytrue- Toledo Eddie Marchetti In Borrowed Plumestrue- Jack Raymond Pilot Xtrue- Lieut. Douglas Thompson Sundown Ridertrue- Laughing Maxey Mickeytrue- Herbert Thornhill Texas Cyclonetrue- Utah Becker Slaves in Bondagetrue- Jim Murray Hop Harrigan: America's Ace of the Airwaystrue- Alex Ballard Brenda Starr, Reportertrue- Joe Heller / Lew Heller (uncredited) A Wise Fooltrue- (uncredited) Aces and Eightstrue- Ace Morgan Shotgun Jonestrue- Shotgun Jones Outside the Lawtrue- 'Dapper Bill' Ballard Men with Steel Facestrue- Argo Undercover Mentrue- Inspector A.R. McCrae The Girl from Monterreytrue- Fight Announcer Hey! Hey! Cowboytrue- John Evans The Boiling Pointtrue- Holt Norbo - Bank Cashier In Old Santa Fetrue- Tracy Code of the Mountedtrue- Duval The Adventures of Rex and Rintytrue- Wheeler Lights of New Yorktrue- Hawk Miller Escort Girltrue- Gregory Stone Ghost Patroltrue- Kincaid The Man from Guntowntrue- Henry DeLong Frontier Daystrue- Henry Jethrow Flash Gordon's Trip to Marstrue- Tarnak Alas! Poor Yorick!true- Real Montgomery Irving Devil on Decktrue- Shanghai Morgan Guilty or Not Guiltytrue- Joe Hurricanetrue- First Mate (uncredited) The Splendid Sintrue- Stephen Hartley In the Long Agotrue- Dreamer Top Sergeant Mulligantrue- The captain Hold the Presstrue- Abbott Darkest Africatrue- Durkin While the City Sleepstrue- Eddie 'Mile-Away' Skeeter Carlson What a Man!true- Detective The Half Breedtrue- Delmar Spavinaw Buried Alivetrue- Manning In Old Montanatrue- Jim Dawson Radio Patroltrue- Stevens, gang chemist The Lone Ranger Rides Againtrue- Manny The Honor of the Presstrue- Roger Bradley The Airmail Mysterytrue- Judson Ward Buck Rogerstrue- Lt. Patten Thoroughbredtrue- Duke Foster Torture Shiptrue- John Ritter Broadway Thru a Keyholetrue- Sam Code of the Rangerstrue- Blackie Miller Mutiny in the Big Housetrue- Benson The Broken Masktrue- Dr. Gordon White Man Of Actiontrue- Sheriff Clem Norton Silent Mentrue- Ed Wilder Beauty Parlortrue- Jim Fremont Peck's Bad Boytrue- Dr. Jack Martin - the Man in the Case The Bad Mantrue- (uncredited) Hell's Hingestrue- Rowdy Townsman (uncredited) Trails of the Wildtrue- Hardy Two-Fisted Lawtrue- Bob Russell Song of the Trailtrue- Bob Arnold Speed Demontrue- Pete Stenner The Medico of Painted Springstrue- Fred Burns The Mysterious Avengertrue- Brophy Riding Westtrue- Captain Amos Karnes Double Troubletrue- Kimble On Your Backtrue- 'Lucky'Jim Seymour The Power of the Presstrue- Van The Western Codetrue- Nick Grindell Mars Attacks the Worldtrue- Tarnak Saddles and Sagebrushtrue- Henchman Ace Barko The Adventures of Smilin' Jacktrue- Freighter Mate [Chs. 7-8] The Good Bad Girltrue- Moreland Motive for Revengetrue- Doane The Phantom Empiretrue- Lord Argo Back to God's Countrytrue- Peter Burke The Virgin of Stamboultrue- Capt. Carlisle Pemberton Fall Intrue- Army Officer The Girl from Woolworth'strue- Lawrence Mayfield (uncredited) The Costello Casetrue- Mile-Away-Harry Murder in the Cloudstrue- Joe Roaring Ranchtrue- Ramsey Kane Little Johnny Jonestrue- Wyman What a Night!true- Mike Corney Annapolis Farewelltrue- Cmdr. Lawson Morgan's Last Raidtrue- John Bland Ghosts on the Loosetrue- Tony Princess Virtuetrue- Basil Demarest Penny of Top Hill Trailtrue- Kurt Walters Face Valuetrue- Bertram Van Twiller Chip of the Flying Utrue- Weary Out All Nighttrue- Kerrigan 'G' Mentrue- Gangster at Lodge Wanting to Quit (uncredited) Special Agenttrue- Julie's Kidnapper (uncredited) Mom and Dadtrue- Bourbon Drinker on Train False Evidencetrue- Burr Gordon In the Days of the Thundering Herdtrue- Chief Swift Wing The Riding Tornadotrue- Hatch Engall End of the Trailtrue- Major Jenkins Planet Outlawstrue- Lieutenant Patten Gorilla Shiptrue- Philip Wells The Spoilerstrue- The Bronco Kid, alias of Drury The Shakedowntrue- Manager Soldiers of the Stormtrue- George Slippy McGeetrue- Slippy McGee The Lost Jungletrue- Kirby Jack Armstrongtrue- Prof. Hobart Zorn Gambling with Soulstrue- 'Lucky' Wilder The Lost Jungletrue- Kirby On With the Show!true- Willie Durant aka Robert Wallace The Headline Womantrue- Panther Fielding Son of the Guardsmantrue- Lord Markham (uncredited) Death from a Distancetrue