Yoshiaki Umegaki
Yoshiaki Umegaki
Top Movie Cast
Tokyo Godfatherstrue- Hana (voice) Weather Womantrue- Golden Man Salaryman Senka: Tanshin Funintrue 20th Century Nostalgiatrue- Policeman The King of Minami: 5 Hour Special Part 1true That's the Way!true- Gay bar diva The King of Minami: The Special Movietrue- Umeko The Cycling Genius Is Coming!true The King of Minami: Theatrical Movie 1true- Umeko A Class to Remember IV: Fifteentrue- Miyamoto The King of Minami: Lovers Contracttrue The King of Minami: Bankruptcy Takeovertrue The King of Minami: 5 Hour Special Part 5true The King of Minami: 5 Hour Special Part 2true The King of Minami: 5 Hour Special Part 3true The King of Minami: 5 Hour Special Part 4true The King of Minami: Ginjiro vs. Liquidatortrue- Umeko Unification of Japan 63true Unification of Japan Gaiden: Yamazaki Family - Joji and His Merry Friendstrue Scary Fairy Tales: Thumb Princesstrue Biohazard: The Stagetrue- Posh Brown Extremely Wild Genuine Sex: Night of the Pervertstrue- Club owner Gamera 2: Attack of Legiontrue- Sapporo Riot Police platoon leader The Towers of Musahino Linetrue Guinea Pig Part 4: Devil Doctor Womantrue The King of Minami: Lady Loan Sharktrue The King of Minami: Trans Woman Bluestrue The King of Minami: Yakuza Financetrue- Umeko A Class to Remember IItrue