Ferdinand Krůta
Ferdinand Krůta
Top Movie Cast
Closely Watched Trainstrue- Masa's Uncle Noneman Adela Has Not Had Supper Yettrue- Carter's Teacher (voice) A Story of Love and Honortrue Řeknem si to příští létotrue The Secret of Steel Citytrue Poprask na silnici E 4true Poprask na silnici E 4true- Playground Keeper (voice) Pearls of the Deeptrue- Father František (segment "Smrt pana Baltazara") Angel in a Devil's Bodytrue Pearls of the Deeptrue- Gaston's Foreman (segment "Romance") Crime at the Girls Schooltrue- Janitor (segment "Zločin v dívčí škole") Hordubaltrue- Old Manya (voice) A Killer on the Trackstrue- Doctor Crime in the Night Clubtrue The Death of Mr Goluzatrue- Krojač Inn At the Flying Dragontrue Svět otevřený náhodámtrue Lovers in the Year Onetrue- Costumer A Star Is Falling Upwardstrue Dva muži hlásí příchodtrue One Silver Piecetrue- Matej Korinek The Halftime of Happinesstrue- Benda The Little Shepherd Boy from the Valleytrue Serpent's Poisontrue- Old Man The Murderer Hides His Facetrue- správce ze zámečku Jiří Král Larks on a Stringtrue- Kudla People from the Subwaytrue The Case Is Not Yet Closedtrue- Laboratory Zelené obzorytrue- Enginner King of the Sumavatrue- Hromádka Páté oddělenítrue- Member of the StB The Fountain for Suzannetrue- Grandpa Zrubec Když v ráji pršelotrue- Tautze (voice)