Vlastimil Brodský
Vlastimil Brodský
Top Movie Cast
Jacob the Liartrue- Jakob Heym Closely Watched Trainstrue- Counselor Zednicek Larks on a Stringtrue- Professor Autumn Springtrue- Frantisek Hána Capricious Summertrue- Major Hugo Operation Bororotrue- Dr. Burger Long Live Ghosts!true- Vávra (ředitel školy) All My Good Countrymentrue- Očenáš The Jester and the Queentrue- Václav Men About Towntrue- Gustav Prouza Kolik slov stačí lásce?true- Ferda Kalina Dissolved and Effusedtrue- Oulík Aber Doktortrue- Dr. Flanke Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Teatrue- Ing. Bauer A Night at Karlsteintrue- Karel IV. The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathianstrue- komorník Ignác Ceilingtrue- Hajaja in Radio (voice) The Flying Sneakertrue- Dr René Einstein kontra Babinskýtrue- Dáreček (voice) The Thing in the Castletrue- Prof. K. If a Thousand Clarinetstrue- pluk. Helmuth The Return of the Prodigal Sontrue Courage for Every Daytrue- Reporter Return to Paradise Losttrue- Ocenás Meze Waltera Hortonatrue- Walter Horton Too Loud A Solitudetrue- Uncle Albert Do We Match Each Other, Darling?true I Survived Certain Deathtrue- lékař Of Things Supernaturaltrue- (segment "Glorie") The Great Movie Robberytrue Transport from Paradisetrue- Mukl Touha Sherlocka Holmesetrue When the Cat Comestrue- Robert No Magic from Tomorrowtrue Smích se lepí na patytrue- Joska Platejz Štědrý večer pana rady Vacátkatrue The Death of Black Kingtrue- Ludvík Král Čintamani & podvodníktrue- inspektor vlakové služby Václav Holub When the Woman Butts Intrue- Borovicka Táto sežeň štěnětrue- hajný Zdravý nemocný Vlastimilený Brodskýtrue- Self The Borrowed Facetrue- Dr. Bartoš Flying Saucers Over Our Villagetrue Five Men and One Hearttrue- Dr. Hýbl ...and again that Lucy!true- Narrator (voice) Secluded, Near Woodstrue- Voice in Radio (voice) The King of Kingstrue- Eda Brabec The White Ladytrue- Kastelán Jindřich Pupenec Zaostřit prosím!true- accountant Macek Counting Sheeptrue- Head physician Klofác The Secret of Bloodtrue- Dr. Kozdera Freon Spirittrue- Leopold Lorenc The End of a Priesttrue- kostelník Desiretrue- Shoemaker Novosad (segment "Andela") I Dutifully Reporttrue- maďarský infanterista Crime in the Night Clubtrue- Ministr People From Caravanstrue- Beznohý Tažní ptácitrue- alkoholik Fendrych Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flowertrue Floriántrue- profesor Hňupka The Octopuses from the Second Floortrue- děda Holan Utopím si ho sámtrue- Havlík 30 Maidens and Pythagorastrue- profesor chemie Brom Three Men Travellingtrue- zootechnik Béda Nedoma Tears the World Can't Seetrue- Ivan Ivanovič Dvojetočijev Dogs and Peopletrue- (segment "Věrnost") This Is How Love Begins...true The Adventurous Bachelortrue Kavárna na hlavní třídětrue Vstanou noví bojovnícitrue- uredník Reiter The Secret of the Gold Buddhatrue- Artur Schlieffer (voice) Rudá záře nad Kladnemtrue- Holecek Florenc 13,30true- magician Jan Maria Čuc Jaroslav Hasek's Exemplary Cinematographtrue Jan Hustrue- mladík v Týnu Jan Žižkatrue- Jochlík - Denunciator Today for the Last Timetrue- starožitník The Pilgrimage to the Holy Virgintrue Ta naše písnička českátrue The Thirteenth Chambertrue Merry Christmas Octopustrue Top Movie Crew
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