Kate Toncray
Kate Toncray
Top Movie Cast
The Narrow Streettrue- Aunt Albina Fisher Folkstrue- On Beach The Long Roadtrue- A Nun / At Party Nobody Hometrue- The strong-minded aunt Prisoners of Lovetrue- His Mother The Sands of Deetrue- Bobby's mother The Americanotrue- Innkeeper's Wife Fighting Bloodtrue- The Son's Girlfriend's Mother Her Awakeningtrue- Old Woman / Accident Witness The Charm Schooltrue- Miss Curtis The Massacretrue- The Maid - in Prologue One Is Business, the Other Crimetrue- Second Maid The Battletrue- At Dance / At Farewell (uncredited) What the Doctor Orderedtrue- Jenks' Wife Double Troubletrue- Working Man's Suicidal Wife Bootstrue- Lydia Hampstead The Little Yanktrue- Mrs. Carver The Hope Chesttrue- Mrs. Ballantyne Little Meena's Romancetrue- Meena's Aunt Peppy Pollytrue- Mrs. Kingsley Benedict Turning the Tablestrue- Dr. Spinks For His Sontrue- At Soda Fountain (uncredited) Battling Janetrue- Charwoman Old Heidelbergtrue- Frau Fritz Ruder - Katie's Mother A Flash of Lighttrue- A Servant The Primal Calltrue- The Woman's Maid Under Burning Skiestrue- The Mother The Manicure Ladytrue- Second Manicurist The Speed Demontrue- The Speed Demon's Wife The Lambtrue- Gerald's Mother The Rose of Kentuckytrue- A mother Going Straighttrue- Mrs. Van Dyke Hands Up!true- Mrs. Farley Bobbed Hairtrue- Mrs. Parker The Rejuvenation of Aunt Marytrue- Aunt Mary The Country Kidtrue- Mrs. Grimes Up The Road With Sallietrue- Martha Cabot Iola's Promisetrue- Jack's Sweetheart's Mother The Lady and the Mousetrue- The Aunt For Her Peopletrue- Mathilde - the Queen's Maid The Miser's Hearttrue- Little Kathy's Mother Profile Images
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