Mitsugu Terashima
Mitsugu Terashima
Top Movie Cast
A Baby Given by a Foxtrue Travels of Lord Mitotrue- Matsuyama, Shinto priest Trouble Over Swords and Women: A Woman's Mindtrue Trouble Over Swords and Women: Sword Light and Shooting Startrue Samurai Assassintrue- Chuzaemon Nishikawa Mito Kômon: Rai Kunitsugu no makitrue Monsters Catcher Oedo Seven Changestrue Hana no shôgaitrue- 尾張大納言 Denshichi Torimonocho: Vampire Spidertrue- 相良半四郎 Travels of Lord Mito Pt.5true Satan's Sword: The Dragon Godtrue Denshichi Torimonocho: Female Fox Palanquintrue- 丸井屋源兵衛 The Grand Mastertrue- Shimazu Tange Sazen - Dai-ippentrue Long Swords of the Loyal Forty-Seventrue Mito Komon - The Secret Lettertrue The Ghost Cat and the Mysterious Shamisentrue Jūrokumon karasudō: Sennin higantrue The Lord Pretendstrue- Wahei Morishima A Thousand Flying Cranestrue- Kihei Saruya Buddhatrue- Grand Chamberlain Merciless Blade Part 2true Poppytrue- Munechika's father Ōoka Cases Devil's Image - Part Onetrue Souls in the Moonlighttrue Seven Miles to Nakayamatrue Kutsukake Tokijirotrue- Hyakusuke Ōnoki Migratory Birds of the Flowerstrue Chūshingura - Ninjō-hen; Fukushū-hentrue Den nana torimono jō bijo koumoritrue Monster Cat Akabe Daimyojintrue