Connie Sawyer
Connie Sawyer
Top Movie Cast
The Last of the Secret Agents?true- Florence (uncredited) Pineapple Expresstrue- Faye Belogus The President's Mistresstrue- Cleaning Lady A Hole in the Headtrue- Miss Wexler Far from Hometrue- Viney Hunt Bob & Carol & Ted & Alicetrue- Waitress (uncredited) The Way Westtrue- Mrs. McBee The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Themtrue- Waitress from Hell Sunset over Mulholland Drivetrue- Self A Bell for Adanotrue- Laura Sofina That's Adequatetrue- Mrs. Duke Thorpe Something's Gotta Givetrue- Lady in Market Five Desperate Womentrue- Mrs. Brown Blue Deserttrue- Elderly Lady 1 The Strangers in 7Atrue- Mrs. Layton Little Ladies of the Nighttrue- Female Guard (uncredited) True Grittrue- Talkative Woman at Hanging (uncredited) Abandoned and Deceivedtrue- Rose The End of Innocencetrue- Grandma Evil Roy Sladetrue- Aggie Potter Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Storytrue- Elderly Woman The Rosebud Beach Hoteltrue- Carlotta View from the Toptrue- Grandma Stewart When Harry Met Sally...true- Documentary Couple It Came from Outer Space IItrue- Mrs. Otis Dumb and Dumbertrue- Elderly Lady Roseanne and Tom: A Hollywood Marriagetrue- Motel Clerk The Baittrue- Bus Passenger Hot Chilitrue- Mrs. Houston ...And Justice for Alltrue- Gitel The Man in the Glass Boothtrue- Mrs. Levi Nights in White Satintrue- Martha the Bag Lady Out of Sighttrue- Old Elevator Lady Do You Remember Lovetrue- Joan Relative Strangerstrue- Old Lady Scorpion Springtrue- Diner Waitress Due Datetrue- Elderly Airport Passenger (uncredited) The Bonfire of the Vanitiestrue- Ruskin Family Member Profile Images
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