Keung Hon
Keung Hon
Top Movie Cast
The Battle Wizardtrue- Sikong Xuan Dirty Hotrue- One of the Princes Godfather from Cantontrue- Inspector Zhang De Biao Killer Constabletrue- Lord Wang Shaolin Abbottrue- Li Ba-Shan The Tiger and the Widowtrue- Ce Jin Piao The Kung Fu Instructortrue- Jailer Monkey Kung Futrue- Kung Fu assistant instructor Coward Bastardtrue- Jiu's man Bloody Parrottrue- Guo Kan The Boxer from the Templetrue- Master Wing Heroes of the Undergroundtrue- Japanese Officer Nagawa Ten Tigers of Kwangtungtrue- General's Officer The Convict Killertrue- Rascal The Web of Deathtrue- Qingyi Clan Member (uncredited) Clans of Intriguetrue- Star Gang member Legend of the Battrue- One of the Ruin Brothers Crazy Nuts of Kung Futrue- Japanese The Brave Archer 2true- Liang Ze Weng What Price Honesty?true- Chief Liu Lost Soulstrue- Shark, Hok's thug Emperor Chien Lung and the Beautytrue- Casino's thug The Tigress of Shaolintrue- Meng's man Pursuit of a Killertrue- He Min The Girlie Bartrue- Drunken rude customer All Mixed Uptrue- Duo 'Grenade' + 'Mashine Gun' Shattertrue- Korean taekwondo fighter The Emperor and the Ministertrue- Beggar Mobfix Patroltrue- Mainlander The Rat Catchertrue- Qiang The Scandalous Warlordtrue- Adjutant The Vengeful Beautytrue- Feng's Assassin Impersonating Hai Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Palace guard The Emperor and His Brothertrue- Ching henchman My Rebellious Sontrue- Johnny's supporter at boxing match The Oily Maniactrue- Chang Ah Gou Flying Guillotine IItrue- Imperial Guard Rewarding Bai with Gold The Spiritual Boxertrue- Liu Yung The Sword Stained with Royal Bloodtrue- Wen Clan 5th Uncle Pituitary Huntertrue- Big-mouth So Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre IItrue- Monk Pang Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabretrue- Priest Tieh Kwun The 36th Chamber of Shaolintrue- Abbot in Charge of Cleanliness Pursuit of Vengeancetrue- Flying Spider The Treasure Hunterstrue- Martial expert at meeting with Cong Brotherhoodtrue- Hsiung's casino manager Soul of the Swordtrue- Sire's Swordsman Ode to Gallantrytrue- Zhentian gang chief The Ghost Loverstrue- Martial artist Heroes Shed No Tearstrue- Yang Chian Kid from Kwangtungtrue- Patriot To Kill a Jaguartrue- Cheung-chin The Deadly Breaking Swordtrue- Dr Guo's Hanger-on (uncredited) The Shadow Boxingtrue- Gambling Den Boss (uncredited) The Sentimental Swordsmantrue- Golden Lion Escort man in blue (uncredited) Men from the Guttertrue- Triad Boss at Nightclub Five Superfighterstrue- Scam Dealer's Thug The Master Strikes Backtrue- Soldier Rivals of Kung Futrue- Master Yuan Yi Fu Portrait in Crystaltrue- Thug The Rebel Intruderstrue- Commander Lin's Secret Messenger Heaven and Helltrue- Violent Man in Hell