Pyotr Chardynin
Pyotr Chardynin
Top Movie Cast
The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikovtrue- Merchant Kalashnikov The Peasants' Lottrue- Pyotr's father Be Silent, Sorrow, Be Silenttrue- Lorio, Musik-Clown Vadimtrue- Boyarin Palitsyn The Enchantresstrue- Prince Kurlyatev Eugene Onegintrue- Onegin Do You Remember?..true- Lev Nilski Volga And Siberiatrue- Ivan the Terrible The Country Man, or The Involuntary Tragediantrue- Nikifor Nikiforovich The Power of Darknesstrue- Nikita Top Movie Crew
The Queen of SpadestrueDirecting
The Little House in KolomnatrueDirecting
Uncle's ApartmenttrueDirecting
Be Silent, Sorrow, Be SilenttrueDirecting
Be Silent, Sorrow, Be SilenttrueWriting
Woman of TomorrowtrueDirecting
The Little ShoestrueDirecting
Taras TryasylotrueDirecting
Behind the Monastery WalltrueDirecting
Petersburg SlumstrueDirecting
The Draconian ContracttrueDirecting
Shadows of SintrueDirecting
Taras ShevchenkotrueDirecting
The Queen of SpadestrueWriting
Caprice of Catherine ІІtrueDirecting
The Golden TwisttrueDirecting
In the Hands of Merciless FatetrueDirecting
In the Hands of Merciless FatetrueWriting
Uncle's ApartmenttrueWriting
In A Lively PlacetrueWriting
The EnchantresstrueDirecting
In A Lively PlacetrueDirecting
Accession of the Romanov DynastytrueWriting
Behind The Doors Of The SalontrueDirecting
Do You Remember?..trueDirecting
Do You Remember?..trueWriting
The PrecipicetrueDirecting
The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven KnightstrueDirecting
Metropolitan PoisontrueDirecting
At The Beauty's AltartrueDirecting
Story of Seven Who Were HangedtrueDirecting
The Fastidious BridetrueDirecting
Miss PeasanttrueDirecting
Love of a State CouncillortrueDirecting
Life As It IstrueDirecting
It Shines But It Doesn't WarmtrueDirecting
It Shines But It Doesn't WarmtrueWriting
Gypsy RomancestrueDirecting
The King, the Law and the JusticetrueDirecting
Miserable and Well DressedtrueDirecting
The Last Day of TodaytrueDirecting
The Last Day of TodaytrueWriting
The Power of DarknesstrueDirecting
The Power of DarknesstrueWriting
The Spring's StreamtrueDirecting