Svetlana Kharlap
Svetlana Kharlap
Top Movie Cast
About Bunny Oi and Bunny Aitrue- (voice) Valuable Parceltrue- (voice) Seven Brotherstrue- (voice) The Holiday of Disobediencetrue- (voice) Шелковая кисточкаtrue- (voice) Little Straw Bulltrue- (voice) The Good Soldier Shweiktrue The Book of Masterstrue- Mamka-nyanka The Humpbacked Horsetrue- Konyok-gorbunok (voice) Blue Tit's Calendartrue- (voice) Moomin Valley: Summer in Moomin Valleytrue- Sniff (voice) Vasilyoktrue- Vasilyok (voice) Vasilisa The Lazytrue- (voice) Give Me Back My Rextrue- Seryozha (voice) Sherlock Holmes and Itrue- Red Puppy (voice) / рыжий щенок, сосед крокодила (голос) For Nothingtrue- The Boy (voice) Chatterboxtrue- Hare-inventor (voice) Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneerstrue- Ivashka (voice) Приключение на плотуtrue- Hare-inventor (voice) / зайчонок-изобретатель Shortie the Turtle Greentrue- Frog (voice) Кто ж такие птички...true- Ant / Bird (voice) Марусина карусельtrue- (voice) The Imp N13true- 44th / 44-й Topchumbatrue- The Little Bear (voice) Early in the Morningtrue- подружка Нади по фабрике Flower of the Nighttrue- The duckling (voice) The Mouse and the Red Suntrue- Little mouse (voice) Secret of the Yellow Bushtrue- (voice) We Are Going to Searchtrue- (voice) Fantiktrue- Fantik (voice) Komarovtrue- Komarov (voice)