Esaad Younes
Esaad Younes
Top Movie Cast
A Woman in Jailtrue- Dina / Hanfy For Zekotrue- بنفسها (رئيسة المسابقة) The Yacoubian Buildingtrue- Dawlat El Dessouki Fadel and Neamatrue- بنفسها Alzheimer'strue- مديرة دار المسنين Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleavertrue- Fathiya Mekhemar Is Always Readytrue An unfinished crimetrue- Huda Tabounet Hamza - طابونة حمزةtrue- Reda Al'astaa maharuwstrue- زينب Al Avokatotrue- عصمت عبدالجواد Tears Without Sinstrue- سميحة Prayer of the oppressedtrue- الدكتور زوجة مدحت والسيدة حرمهtrue- أطاليا أم عرفه / سوسن Almagnoonatrue- سعاد, نادية, فردوس, نوال Mothers in Exiletrue- Hekmat Shaaban Below Zerotrue- Zeinab The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arresttrue- Zaghloul Al-Ashmawy A Boy Child, Amentrue- Safaa Days of El Sadattrue- Hemat Hassan Beh El Ghalbantrue- Aisha Salem Afraid of Somethingtrue- Laila Ali Baba's Trialtrue- مديحة الدخول بالملابس الرسميةtrue We Are the Bus Peopletrue- سونيا Fawazia The Bourgeoisietrue Leleit gawaz al shaghalatrue 200 poundstrue- عزيزة السيد Juha Governs the Citytrue Maghawry in collegetrue- Laila Me, My daughter and Lovetrue Esteqalet Alemet Zarratrue Juha Governs The Citytrue- نجوى Top Movie Crew
Best FriendstrueProduction
One of the PeopletrueProduction
Two Girls from EgypttrueProduction
Leisure TimetrueProduction
Boy and GirltrueProduction
Birds of the NiletrueProduction
Sleepless NightstrueProduction
Messages from the SeatrueProduction
Tek Tek BomtrueProduction
Prince of the SeastrueProduction
The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s ArresttrueWriting