Annette Dasch
Annette Dasch
Top Movie Cast
Die Csárdásfürstin - Opernhaus Zürichtrue- Sylva Varescu Klassik am Odeonsplatz 2016true- Sopran Lohengrin: Opera romantica in tre attitrue- Elsa von Brabant Mozart: Don Giovannitrue- Donna Anna Rusalka - Dutch National Operatrue- The Foreign Princess Salzburger Marionettentheater: Hänsel & Greteltrue Beethoven: Symphony No. 9true The von Trapp Family: A Life of Musictrue- Lotte Lehmann Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonnytrue- Jenny Hill Beethoven - Symphonies 1-9 (Berliner Philharmoniker, Sir Simon Rattle)true- Herself The Metropolitan Opera: The Master-Singers of Nurembergtrue- Eva Beethoven: The Complete Symphoniestrue- Herself Le nozze di Figarotrue- La Comtesse Almaviva Haydn - Skabelsen - Eisenstadttrue- Soprano Mozart: Idomeneotrue- Elettra Rudi Stephan: Die ersten Menschentrue- Chawa Springtime in Amsterdamtrue Beethoven: Symphonies 7-9true- Soprano (Symphony No. 9)