Jessica Sonneborn
Jessica Sonneborn
Top Movie Cast
Alpha Housetrue- Stephanie Detour Into Madness Vol 1.true- Nikki / Carrie The House Across the Streettrue- Amy Rabid Lovetrue- Julie Allen Happy Horror Daystrue- Jane / Betty (4th of July / 4th of July, Labor Day / Labor Day) The Haunting of Alice Dtrue- Natasha Drawn Into the Nighttrue- Kate / Maggie Bloody Bloody Bible Camptrue- Brittany Britney Lost Her Phonetrue- Maggie Youngman A Lure: Teen Fight Clubtrue- Maggie / Kate Love Addicttrue- Attractive Woman Never Open the Doortrue- Tess One Night of Feartrue- Katie Money Shottrue- Lena Starr Extracurricular Activitiestrue- Maggie Piranha Sharkstrue- Raven Dorothy and the Witches of Oztrue- Ev Locast Stainedtrue- Margaret Banquo Death by Midnighttrue- Agnes Top Movie Crew
A Lure: Teen Fight ClubtrueWriting
A Lure: Teen Fight ClubtrueProduction
American GirlstrueProduction
Lair of the BeasttrueProduction
The Haunting of Alice DtrueDirecting
The Haunting of Alice DtrueWriting
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