Jacques Henley
Jacques Henley
Top Movie Cast
The Knights of the Mountaintrue The Regiment's Championtrue Nos maîtres les domestiquestrue- Inspector Lerand Monsieur Hectortrue- Un client (uncredited) Nadia la femme traquéetrue- Head of the Second Bureau Comedy of Happinesstrue- (uncredited) Champions of Francetrue- Chartrier Serge Paninetrue- Lord Harton Place de la Concordetrue- President of the jury Un gosse en ortrue- Crawford Cordial Agreementtrue- Ambassador The Man Who Seeks the Truthtrue Special Missiontrue- (uncredited) The Woman in Redtrue- The Auctioneer (uncredited) Death Threattrue- Manager Cité de l'espérancetrue- Smith False Identitytrue- Bank manager Le diamant de cent soustrue- Simson Le droit de l'enfanttrue- Bowell La Bataille du feutrue- German officer The Five Cents of Lavaredetrue The Ferrettrue- Malmandier The Threepenny Operatrue- Tiger Brown The Yellow Dogtrue- le Pommeret Threatstrue- Le Hollandais My Crimes After Mein Kampftrue- General Kurt von Schleicher Return at Dawntrue- A friend of Osten Satan's Paradisetrue- Sir Nicholas Ultimatumtrue- Le général serbe Mission in Tangiertrue- British Colonel The mystery of the pink villatrue- Le juge d'instruction La montagne est vertetrue- Le gouverneur de la Martinique