Kaiti Lambropoulou
Kaiti Lambropoulou
Top Movie Cast
Η γυναίκα λαχείοtrue- Αλεξάνδρα What Did You Do in the War, Thanassi?true- Kleopatra Sly Female… Sly Woman!true- Καίτη Jealous like a Cattrue- Jenny Argyriou Τρίτη και 13true- Eftihia Mavrofrydi Everything the People Wantstrue- Lili Throbs at the Desktrue- Kaiti Nikolaou A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bushtrue- Pinelopi Konstadinea And the Woman Shall Fear Her Husbandtrue- Maro Greek Pridetrue- cousin Chrysanthi The jealous womantrue- Zozo Alice in the Navytrue- Aliki's friend The Woman Drivertrue- Ekaterini Toufexi Santa Chikitatrue- Markella The Shepherdess' Lovertrue Aliki the Dictatortrue- Αμαλία Πρόκου A Ripple in the Pondtrue- Margaret A Short Man Will Save Ustrue- Mirva Maria in Silencetrue- Eleni Εξωτικές Βιταμίνεςtrue- Kikitsa Τώρα Θέλω... Τώρα!true- Amfitriti Πόντιος είμαι, ότι θέλω κάνωtrue- Katina Hippocrates And Democracytrue Thanasis in the country of Willtrue Πως περνούν οι παντρεμένοιtrue Dream a Little Dreamtrue- Anna's mother Arseniko kai palia dantelatrue Ο καπιταλίστας και η τραγουδίστριαtrue- Anna Lamar