Periklis Hristoforidis
Periklis Hristoforidis
Top Movie Cast
From Jerusalem with lovetrue Miss Managertrue- Prof. Georgiadis We Have Only One Lifetrue- Manolis Someone like It Cold...true- Faidon Every Cloud Has a Silver Liningtrue- Giannis Papadopoulos Something Hottrue- Mr. Nikolaidis The Big Fooltrue- Telis Birkas Makrykostas and Kontogiorgistrue- Ξενοδόχος Anakatosourastrue- supervisor Η ζωή μου στα χέρια σουtrue Runaway Bridetrue- Vangelis Dimitriou Dimos from Trikalatrue- Miltiathis Laterna, Poverty and Carnationtrue- Γιατρουδάκι Another One for the Milliontrue- Καρυπίδης If Luck Favors Youtrue- hotel manager Τύφλα Νάχη ο Μάρλον Μπράντοtrue- hotel director Ο Καταφερτζήςtrue- director of Rahati agency Groom from Londontrue- Periklis Oi 900 tis Marinastrue- Damalas For Whom the Bell Ringstrue- Mr. Kapsokefalos Mikes Is Getting Marriedtrue- Περικλής Μπουλντόζας Help! Vengos Visible Agent '000'true- director The Miss Of The Mistertrue- Filippos The Declinetrue- Φίλιππος Nomos 4000true- Professor Doctor Z-Vengostrue- Father with 5 daughters Eftyhos... trellathika!true- Anargyros Kiss the Girlstrue- Giorgos Eleftheriou One Vengos for All Jobstrue- Mr. Karolidis The Heirstrue- Periklis Zoubourdoglou Liar Wantedtrue- Agisilaos Thou-Vou Bald Agent, Operation: Havoctrue- school's director The Coffee Reader (Kafetzou)true- Andreas Giavasis Those Not Allowed to Lovetrue- Babis Mrs. Midwifetrue- bank's director Modern Cinderellatrue- Periklis Ο Απίθανοςtrue- Apostolos Hatzilazarou Το Καρπουζάκιtrue- Apostolos Get Up, Dance Sirtakitrue- Haralambos The Daywork of Happinesstrue- Harilaos Vasilopoulos The child of the squaretrue- Mimis' uncle Crazy, Nuts and Vengostrue- police officer The Unwilling Nannytrue- Antonis Rokos Koutroulis` Weddingtrue- Mr. Klonaras O megalokarhariastrue- Kostas Rena is Off-Sidetrue- Prasinaikos' president Electricity... Water... Telephone, Plots with Installmentstrue- customer The Baittrue- Mr. Karastefanou Η Τύχη μου Τρελλάθηκεtrue- Miltos Detsikas A Rich Without Moneytrue- Kostas Karamitros Fallen Angelstrue- Mihalis The jealous womantrue- Manager A Hero in His Slipperstrue- Minister (uncredited) The Liartrue- Kimon Sotiroglou Η Ζαβολιάραtrue- Mr. Foteinos All that glitters is goldtrue- Mr. Temboglou Ο Καλός Μας Άγγελοςtrue- Eftichios Η Αμαρτία Της Ομορφιάςtrue A tough corporaltrue- Alekos Papadopoulos Κάτω οι άνδρεςtrue- Pelopidas Κατηγορούμενος... ο Έρωςtrue- Judge Wake up Vassilitrue- Nikos Το παραστράτημα μιας αθώαςtrue- Man at ball The Winnertrue- Gerasimos Markandonis The last prisonertrue- Shop owner Ένα Καράβι Παπαδόπουλοιtrue- Harilaos Venus the girl who hurttrue Ο Μοναχογιός Μου Ο Αγαθιάρηςtrue Κατρακύλισμα... στο βούρκοtrue