Tsui Siu-Ming
Tsui Siu-Ming
Top Movie Cast
Winter Lovetrue- Chim Kei in his childhood The Buddhist Fisttrue- Si Ming As Time Goes Bytrue- Siu Wah Kung Fu Jungletrue- To Fook-ming The Angry Dragontrue- Li Hung-An (Youngster 2) The Nocturnal Demontrue- Policeman The Notorious Woman Thieftrue- Lam Ming-Chai Return of Lady Bondtrue- Calf Top Movie Crew
Eye in the SkytrueProduction
Betelnut BeautytrueProduction
Bury Me HightrueDirecting
Bury Me HightrueProduction
Bury Me HightrueDirecting
The Time to Live and the Time to DietrueDirecting
The Buddhist FisttrueWriting
The Revenge of AngeltrueProduction
Mistaken IdentitytrueDirecting
The Revenge of AngeltrueCrew
Dragon Get AngrytrueDirecting
Dragon Get AngrytrueWriting
The Buddhist FisttrueDirecting
Ms. Hu's GardentrueEditing
Ms. Hu's GardentrueProduction
Center StagetrueProduction
Holy Robe of Shaolin TempletrueWriting
Holy Robe of Shaolin TempletrueDirecting
The Fung-shui MastertrueDirecting
Coup De GracetrueProduction
Mistaken IdentitytrueCrew
Mistaken IdentitytrueProduction
Miracle 90 DaystrueDirecting
Miracle 90 DaystrueDirecting
Miracle 90 DaystrueProduction
Twins MissiontrueProduction