Valentin Uritescu
Valentin Uritescu
Top Movie Cast
Flames Over Treasurestrue- Pruncul Earth's Most Beloved Sontrue- Dr. Marcu The Tower of Pisatrue- Vali Why Does the Fox Have a Tailtrue- Grandfather Acordati circumstante atenuante?true- Paraschiv The Eleventh Commandmenttrue One second of lifetrue- The Old Man The Last Assaulttrue- Sgt. Șaptefrați Family Albumtrue- Dr. Iorgu Baltazar Fourth Fence, by the Wharftrue Sand Cliffstrue- Lt. Popa A Studio Searching for a Startrue- Security Guard Return from Helltrue- Vasile Lișniță White Darknesstrue- Mayor Those Who Pay with Their Livestrue- Penciulescu Niște băieți grozavitrue- Firică Dănilă Prepeleactrue- Tândală De-ași fi Peter Pantrue- Povestitor Profile Images
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