Roy Clements
Roy Clements
Top Movie Cast
The Tell-Tale Handtrue- The Prosecuting Attorney Rex the Devil Horsetrue- Major Morrow Top Movie Crew
The Light of Western StarstrueWriting
When a Woman StrikestrueDirecting
The Tiger's CoattrueDirecting
Big Moments from Little PicturestrueDirecting
Meet the MissustrueDirecting
The Reckoning DaytrueDirecting
When Slippery Slim Went for the EggstrueDirecting
Sophie's Home-ComingtrueDirecting
Slim the Brave and Sophie the FairtrueDirecting
The Battle of SnakevilletrueDirecting
Snakeville's Blind PigtrueDirecting
Slippery Slim Gets SquaretrueDirecting
Snakeville's Rising SonstrueDirecting
Sentimental SophietrueDirecting
When Slippery Slim Bought the CheesetrueDirecting
Her Dangerous PathtrueDirecting
Sophie and the Man of Her ChoicetrueDirecting
A Horse on SophietrueDirecting
Sophie's Fatal WeddingtrueDirecting
Snakeville's Reform WavetrueDirecting
Sophie Starts SomethingtrueDirecting
Sophie Pulls a Good OnetrueDirecting
The Snakeville VolunteertrueDirecting
The Wooing of SophietrueDirecting
Pie for SophietrueDirecting
Sophie Finds a HerotrueDirecting
Sophie Gets StungtrueDirecting
Snakeville's New WaitresstrueDirecting
Slippery Slim -- DiplomattrueDirecting
Slippery Slim Gets CuredtrueDirecting
Snakeville's Peace-MakertrueDirecting
When Slippery Slim Met the ChampiontrueDirecting
Slippery Slim, The Mortgage and SophietrueDirecting
Snakeville and the Corset DemonstratortrueDirecting
Slippery Slim and the ImpersonatortrueDirecting
Uncensored MoviestrueDirecting
Versus Sledge HammerstrueDirecting
The Wages of TintrueDirecting
The Double OtrueDirecting
A Lucky LeaptrueDirecting
Crown JewelstrueDirecting