Carol Cross
Carol Cross
Top Movie Cast
The T & A Teamtrue- Carol Taboo American Style: The Ruthless Beginningtrue- Marylyn Wilkerson Taboo American Style 2: The Story Continuestrue- Marylyn Wilkerson Taboo American Style 3: Nina Becomes An Actresstrue- Marylyn Wilkerson Taboo American Style 4: The Exciting Conclusiontrue- Marylyn Wilkerson Jack 'n Jill 2true- Rachel Good Girls, Bad Girlstrue- Terry Goodman Supergirls Do General Hospitaltrue- Sex Club Performer First Time at Cherry Hightrue- Annie Slammer Girlstrue- Shower Girl #3 Three Daughterstrue- Susan Pussycat Galoretrue- Carla Jones Hidden Fantasiestrue- Rosemary Inside Little Oral Annietrue- Janet French Little Oral Annie Takes Manhattantrue- Janet French Supergirls Do the Navytrue- Andi Climax!true- Dr. Berkley's Daughter Deep and Wettrue- Pam (as Gwendolyn Roth) Dirty Blondetrue- Karen Wolf Bedroom Thighstrue- Cathy The Pleasures of Innocencetrue- Patty Make Me Feel It!true- Pam Christine's Secrettrue- Christine Brooke Does Collegetrue- Louise Urban Heattrue- Woman ('Kitchen Scene')