Ng Hong-Sang
Ng Hong-Sang
Top Movie Cast
Kid with the Golden Armtrue- Deadly Valley Spy The Mighty Peking Mantrue- Dr. Ah Pi The Daredevilstrue- Deputy Zhang Walk on Firetrue- Wai's thug Dirty Hotrue- One of the '7 Bitters' The Head Huntertrue- Cpt. Ng Shaolin Abbottrue- Shaolin recruit Gong Qian-Jin Hex vs. Witchcrafttrue- Brother Nine's thug The Kung Fu Instructortrue The Reckless Crickettrue- Street performer The Spiritual Boxertrue- Jiu The 36th Chamber of Shaolintrue- Tung Qian-jin, San Ta's Student Fury of the Heaventrue- Lau's friend The Criminals, Part 3: Arsontrue- Wong King Sun The Convict Killertrue- Rascal The Web of Deathtrue- Martial Artist Killed in Prologue (uncredited) Clans of Intriguetrue- Waiter at Inn Gutsy Swift Swordtrue- Ningzhi's cousin The Mastertrue- Dai Xiong The Mad Monktrue- Villager Jade Tigertrue- Zhao clan member The Snake Princetrue- Snake General City Wartrue- Gives Guns to Dick Lee The Magic Bladetrue- Hsia Yi Revenge of the Corpsetrue- Wong Tong Black Magictrue- Nuo's Colleague Death Dueltrue- Leader of 4 Swift Swords (uncredited) Soul of the Swordtrue- Sire's Swordsman Oh! Yes Sir!!!true- Friend of Little Fish The Adventures of Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Officer collecting tax The Proud Youthtrue- Lao Denuo The Deadly Breaking Swordtrue- Dr. Guo's Hanger-on Hell Has No Boundarytrue- Policeman The Sentimental Swordsmantrue- Yun's invited hero (uncredited) Passing Flickerstrue- Hairy Can Rendezvous with Deathtrue- Panda (One of the Four Killers) The Master Strikes Backtrue- Soldier The Fighting Fooltrue- Eagle Mansion man A Hearty Responsetrue- Addict Hung The Voyage of Emperor Chien Lungtrue- Zhang Ya-Xi The Sword Stained with Royal Bloodtrue- Uncle Wen Ming Luk The Emperor and His Brothertrue- Eagle Claws Chou Hu