Lau Lauritzen Sr.
Lau Lauritzen Sr.
Top Movie Cast
The Gambler's Wifetrue- Ferrari Top Movie Crew
The Film and the FlirttrueWriting
Beware of the GirlstrueWriting
Clever CannibalstrueDirecting
I Want to Speak to JohnsontrueDirecting
On Special CommissiontrueDirecting
The Love PotiontrueDirecting
My Sister-in-Law from AmericatrueDirecting
The Virtuous OnetrueDirecting
Dance FrenzytrueDirecting
The BlacklegtrueDirecting
A Printer's ErrortrueDirecting
The MannequinstrueWriting
The ThunderstonestrueDirecting
The ThunderstonestrueWriting
The Roast HaretrueDirecting
Hot on the TrailtrueDirecting
Football CalamitiestrueDirecting
Barken MargrethetrueDirecting
Nelly's KnightstrueDirecting
The Master HypnotisttrueDirecting
The PeacemakertrueDirecting
The BilberriestrueDirecting
A Lively Boarding-HousetrueDirecting
His Phony SontrueDirecting
Three Men and a MaidtrueDirecting
Sweet Little ThingtrueDirecting
A Sorry KnighttrueDirecting
An Old Man's FancytrueDirecting
A Lively NighttrueDirecting
She Writes on a MachinetrueDirecting
The Chicken ChasertrueDirecting
The Umbrella ShoptrueDirecting
De bør forelske DemtrueDirecting
He, She and HamlettrueDirecting
With Full MusictrueDirecting
Giftes - nej tak!trueDirecting
Provinsen kaldertrueDirecting
The Trumpeter and the AuthortrueDirecting
The MannequinstrueDirecting
Strength and BeautytrueDirecting
Pat and Patachon Invent the GunpowdertrueDirecting
A Bachelor HusbandtrueDirecting
Love and EducationtrueDirecting
The Treasure-HattrueDirecting
With Full MusictrueWriting
Flickorna i ÅretrueDirecting
Among Merry MusicianstrueDirecting
Roses and RendezvoustrueDirecting
Oh! That CheesetrueDirecting
Oh, Those WomentrueDirecting
Miss TheodortrueDirecting
Be Mine–for TomorrowtrueDirecting
The Film HeroestrueDirecting
He, She and HamlettrueDirecting
The Girl Behind the CountertrueWriting
Love and BurglarstrueDirecting
The Wolf HunterstrueDirecting
Love and BurglarstrueWriting
A Lively DreamtrueDirecting
Their Silver WeddingtrueDirecting
The Film and the FlirttrueDirecting
Beware of the GirlstrueDirecting
William Tell and SontrueDirecting
Det gaadefulde VæsentrueDirecting
Carl Alstrup's Love, Ltd.trueDirecting
Love and SuperstitiontrueDirecting
The Henpecked Husband’s BirthdaytrueDirecting
At the MediterraneantrueDirecting
Sunshine, Summer and StudentstrueDirecting
Can Love Be Cured?trueDirecting
The Refound DaughtertrueDirecting
The Run Away BridetrueDirecting