George A. Williams
George A. Williams
Top Movie Cast
The Long Chancetrue- Dr. Taylor The Fire Eatertrue- Mort Frame The Hazards of Helentrue- Various Role Thundering Romancetrue- The Oil Representative Hurricane Haltrue- Bill Adams In the Days of Buffalo Billtrue- Calvert Carter The Further Adventures of Stingareetrue- Black Hill The Stolen Enginetrue- Tom O'Grady - Section Foreman One Chance in a Hundredtrue- The Construction Boss The Death Traintrue- Duncan - Secret Service Detective The Capture of Red Stanleytrue- The Chief Dispatcher The Mysterious Ciphertrue- Chilton - Dealer in Antiques The Flying Freight's Captivetrue- Houk - a Detective The Broken Circuittrue- Wilkens - the Paymaster The Bridge of Dangertrue- Pop Bates The Human Telegramtrue- The President of the Western Railway The Record Runtrue- Railroad President Benton The Girl at Lone Pointtrue- Spud Hogan - Tommy's Pal The Plot at the Railroad Cuttrue- Haddon, the Contractor His Nemesistrue- G.H. Manning A Life in the Balancetrue- Corning - Conductor The Girl on the Trestletrue- Passenger Conductor The Girl Engineertrue- Williams - Owner of the Boss Mine A Race for a Crossingtrue- Sharky - Agent of the Rival Road The Box Car Traptrue- Gerald - Engineer of the Power Plant The Human Chaintrue- Deering - Head of the Wharf Rat Gang The Midnight Limitedtrue- Griffin - a Traveler A Deed of Daringtrue- Norton - Chief of the Smuggling Gang The Girl on the Enginetrue- McKay - Division Superintendent The Fate of Number Onetrue- Gerald - Division Superintendent A Perilous Chancetrue- Pike - Chief of the Railroad Detectives Train Order Number Forty-Fivetrue- Loring - Division Superintendent The Broken Railtrue- Markey - Division Superintendent To Save the Roadtrue- Senator Brown The Broken Braketrue- The Doctor In Death's Pathwaytrue- Mr. Burkett - Eleanor's Father A Plunge from the Skytrue- 1st Foreign Agent A Mystery of the Railstrue- The Sheriff Hurled Through the Drawbridgetrue- Sinton The Trail of Dangertrue- The Train Despatcher The Spiked Switchtrue- Engineer Trent A Race Through the Airtrue The Engineer's Honortrue- Auditor Blake With the Aid of the Wreckertrue- Greggs - the Diamond Dealer At Danger's Calltrue- Superintendent Waller The Secret of the Box Cartrue- The Bank Official Ablaze on the Railstrue- Benton The Hoodoo of Division Btrue- Kent - the Veteran Engineer Defying Deathtrue- The President of the Road The Death Swingtrue- Mr. Benton - Dick's Father The Blocked Tracktrue- The Butler - Ex-Telegrapher The Prima Donna's Specialtrue- 'Dad' Morley The Sidetracked Sleepertrue- George Summers The Death Sidingtrue- The Sheriff To Save the Specialtrue- The President of the Railroad A Daring Chancetrue- The President of the Railroad The Lost Messengertrue- Landers - the President of the Railroad The Gate of Deathtrue- Superintendent Purdy The Lone Point Mysterytrue- The President of the Railroad The Runaway Sleepertrue- Mr. Grayson The Forgotten Train Ordertrue- Mr. Purdy The Trial Runtrue- Morton of the United Fruit Growers The Lineman's Periltrue- Superintendent of the Road The Midnight Expresstrue- Banker Randall The Vanishing Box Cartrue- Hedley A Race with Deathtrue- Purdy - the Rancher The Mogul Mountain Mysterytrue- Division Superintendant The Fireman's Nemesistrue- Chief Dispatcher The Wrecked Stationtrue- Stanton Grey The Railroad Claim Intriguetrue- Fleming The Flaw in the Alibitrue- Henry FIelding - Banker Headin' Westtrue- Barnaby Forest Perils of the Yukontrue- Scott McPherson The Governor's Specialtrue- The Governor (as George Williams) The Pay Traintrue- O'Malley - Section Foreman The Leap from the Water Towertrue- Cleland - the Trainmaster The Hazards of Helen: Episode13, The Escape on the Fast Freighttrue- The Constable The Phantom Horsemantrue- Judge The First Degreetrue- Sheriff The Dumb Girl of Porticitrue The Dawn of Understandingtrue- Silas Prescott Queen of Acestrue- The Boy's Father The Lost Mail Sacktrue- John Gates