Józef Nalberczak
Józef Nalberczak
Top Movie Cast
Klejnot wolnego sumieniatrue- Jan Zamoyski Milionertrue- komendant MO What Will You Do When You Catch Me?true- Worker at Train Station Spóźnieni przechodnietrue- Bar Patron (segment 4) (uncredited) Sonata marymonckatrue- Andrzejczak Hello, Fred the Beardtrue- klakier Rudy The Ashestrue- Vagrant Soldier Christmas Evetrue- Gmura (uncredited) Ubranie prawie nowetrue- Franek Bona Shoot Paragon!true- Wacek Stefanek Peasant Diariestrue- Narrator Free Citytrue- Heniek (uncredited) The Bus Leaves at 6.20true- Procek Miejsce dla jednegotrue- Worker Zawsze w niedzieletrue- Franciszek Korban ("First Sunday") Hell and Heaventrue- Bus Driver The Nutcrackertrue- Mouse King (voice) The End of the Holidaytrue- ojciec Jurka Four Tankmen and a Dog Part Onetrue- Fiedia ("The Crew") Four Tankmen and a Dog Part Twotrue- Fiedia ("The Border Is Where We Are") The Road Westtrue- Soviet Soldier Uciec jak najbliżejtrue- Józef Olszewski Magical Bicycletrue- Stanisław Popiel Birth Certificatetrue- Prisoner of War Time of Hopetrue- Pułkownik, komisarz wojskowy "Metalpolu" Difficult Lovetrue- Małodworny Brunet Will Calltrue- Driver The Killer Leaves a Tracetrue- Klimczuk Uczta Baltazaratrue- Lieutenant Kuszel Silent Tracestrue- Wiśniewski Treasuretrue- Witek's Neighbour Podhale w ogniutrue- Bandit The Night of the Generalstrue- Polish Policeman (uncredited) Westerplatte Resiststrue- Cpl. Edmund Szamlewski Loneliness of the Coupletrue- Kasperlik Szczęściarz Antonitrue- Bricklayer