Idy Chan Yuk-Lin
Idy Chan Yuk-Lin
Top Movie Cast
Shaolin and Wu Tangtrue- Yan-ling Yesterday Today & Tomorrowtrue Demi-Gods and Semi-Devilstrue On the Runtrue- Inspector Lo Huan A Warrior's Tragedytrue- Sum San Leung Casino Raiderstrue- Tong Ko-Yan Edge of Darknesstrue- Ling The Sweet and Sour Cops Part IItrue The Crazy Companiestrue- JoAnne The Extrastrue- Mrs. Ting Kawashima Yoshikotrue- Empress Wan Jung The Way We Aretrue- Ms. Tsui The Siamese Twinstrue- Bonnie Kei Po-erh Inspiration Nightmaretrue Blood Stained Tradewindtrue- Sophia The Little Shaolin Monktrue The Invincible Power of Kindnesstrue- Sum San Leung Stage Door Johnnytrue- Boss Ching Sisters of the World Unitetrue