Zdzisław Kuźniar
Zdzisław Kuźniar
Top Movie Cast
The First Day of Freedomtrue- Soldier (uncredited) Motodramatrue- Patagonia Member King Sizetrue- Człowiek w berecie Adam's Two Ribstrue- A man buying a Polish-Italian phrasebook (uncredited) Legendatrue- Resistance Fighter The Neighbourstrue- Railway Worker Queen of Cloudstrue- "Oczytany" kierowca TIR-a Who Believes in Storks?true- Borowiec How to Be Lovedtrue- Pilot at the Airport (uncredited) Ewa Wants to Sleeptrue- Bandit (uncredited) Bumerangtrue- Bus Passenger (uncredited) Seychellestrue- Józek, szef statystów w operze Niedziela Barabaszatrue- Barabasz Sara's Housetrue- Butler Julian Ten okrutny, nikczemny chłopaktrue- Orphanage Teacher Nie ma zmiłujtrue- właściciel pokoju wynajmowanego przez Piotra The Hours of Hopetrue- (uncredited) Jasne błękitne oknatrue- lekarz Konsultrue- Nowak, sekretarz POP w zakładach Fortunetrue- "Krzywy Edek" Free Citytrue- Polish Postman The Lost Bridgetrue- Squad Leader (uncredited) The Saragossa Manuscripttrue- Sheik's Servant (uncredited) Męskie sprawytrue- Rozmiarek How I Unleashed World War II, Part II: Following the Armstrue- Dimo Stojadinovic Memoirs of a Sinnertrue- Weaver All Will Be Welltrue- Wladek Nostrue- Kowalew's Friend Giuseppe in Warsawtrue- Man giving a Medal to Giuseppe (uncredited) The Killer Leaves a Tracetrue- Tarzan Permanent Objectionstrue- Rysio's Friend from Labour Regiments My Mother's Loverstrue- Mr. Jozio Mrs. Hanka's Diarytrue- Police Inspector Rykowiskotrue- szef z MSZ Wolves' Echoestrue- "Leech" Na całośćtrue- komendant posterunku Aktorkatrue- Iljuszka Babin Metatrue- Irena's Brother The Epidemictrue- Funeral Home Worker (uncredited) How I Unleashed World War II, Part I: The Escapetrue- Dimo Stojadinovic Special Missiontrue- German Soldier searching Cars The Promised Landtrue- Kaczmarek Pills for Aureliatrue- Urban Drugi brzegtrue- Prison Guard Piggatetrue- Lawyer (uncredited) Déjà vutrue- О'Холларан, лейтенант чикагской полиции Profile Images
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