Oldřich Velen
Oldřich Velen
Top Movie Cast
Where an Alibi Is Not Everythingtrue- Lieutenant Jiri Florian Shadows of a Hot Summertrue- Dealer (voice) Tichý Američan v Prazetrue I'll Be Good, Old Man!true Brother for All the Moneytrue Skandál v Gri-Gri barutrue Fragile Relationshipstrue Death of Hitch-Hikerstrue Blázni, vodníci a podvodnícitrue Co je doma to se počítá, pánové...true Half a House Without a Groomtrue Who's That Soldier?true- předseda MNV Blob to the Fairytaletrue Fortress on the Rhinetrue The Last One Will Go to Helltrue Příště budeme chytřejší, staroušku!true The Death of a Talented Cobblertrue Hearty Greetings from the Globetrue The Five Sinnerstrue- Officer in Court Tales About Childrentrue- (segment "Kapr") Crime at the Girls Schooltrue- Police Officer (segment "Smrt na Jehle") The Murderer Hides His Facetrue- Pathologist (voice) Who Wants to Kill Jessie?true A Killer on the Trackstrue- Trojan Payment in Kindtrue- Pastyříkův komplic A Nice Plate of Spinachtrue- Factory Manager „Rakev ve snu viděti...“true I Killed Einstein, Gentlementrue Four Murders Are Enough, Darlingtrue- Willy (voice) Five Men and One Hearttrue Touha Sherlocka Holmesetrue Vím, že jsi vrah...true- Psychiatrist (voice) Svět otevřený náhodámtrue Pokus o vraždutrue- Old Man in Cellar (voice) A Valley of Beautiful Frogstrue- Physician (voice) How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyertrue Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárnětrue- Voice in Broadcast (voice) Joachim, Put It in the Machinetrue Slasti Otce vlastitrue- Bušek z Velhartic Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizitrue There is a Dragon Behind Humnytrue- Noble Otto Dva muži hlásí příchodtrue Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!true 5 Million Witnessestrue- Pláteník The Motive for Murdertrue- Man in Train (segment "Kapsář") Shades of Ferntrue- Police Officer All My Good Countrymentrue- Policista Circus in the Circustrue- Norwegian Juror How to Wake a Princesstrue- King Vendelín The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathianstrue- krčmář The Third Princetrue- rybář You Are a Widow, Sirtrue- generál letectva On the Trail of Bloodtrue- prosektor The Keytrue- Josef Preisler Anna the Proletariantrue- Dr. Houra The Secret of the Gold Buddhatrue Přehlídce velím já!true- zaměstnanec módního závodu Assassinationtrue- gestapák Sleicher The Mysterious Mr. Hydetrue The Thirteenth Chambertrue- Sculptor (voice) Pochodnětrue- worker Broz Lion with a White Manetrue On a Wayward Princesstrue