Vasilica Tastaman
Vasilica Tastaman
Top Movie Cast
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Familytrue- Mimi I, You, and Ovidiutrue- Lili A Fantastic Comedytrue- Corina Brigade Miscellaneous on Alerttrue- Margareta Uncle Marin, the Billionairetrue- vânzătoarea de la shop Hurry Slowlytrue- Valentina The Cyclists Are Comingtrue- Doina Farewell, Dear Nela!true- Nela Păcalătrue- Forester's Wife Snowfall Seasontrue- Atena The Castellanstrue- Aneta General Deliverytrue- Lenuș Serenade for the 12th Floortrue Love Begins on Fridaytrue- Clara The Major and Deathtrue- Livia A Certain Kind of Happinesstrue- Sanda The Premieretrue- Veronica Profile Images
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