Jeff Sanca
Jeff Sanca
Top Movie Cast
Welcome to Marwentrue- Ulster County Sheriff Sonic the Hedgehog 2true- Armored Truck Driver Assault on Wall Streettrue- Broker Blurt!true- Security Guard Sonic the Hedgehogtrue- Minivan Dad Little Fishtrue- Bus Driver The 12 Disasters of Christmastrue- John (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
X-Men: The Last StandtrueCrew
The Marine 3: HomefronttrueCrew
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning ThieftrueCrew
Sonic the Hedgehog 2trueCrew
The 12 Disasters of ChristmastrueCrew
Dead Hooker in a TrunktrueCrew
Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' BalltrueCrew
Playing with FiretrueCrew
A Mother's InstincttrueCrew
My Life as a Dead GirltrueCrew
Every Breath You TaketrueCrew
Sonic the HedgehogtrueCrew
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters UnleashedtrueCrew
Final Days of Planet EarthtrueCrew
The Butterfly Effect 2trueCrew
Joy Ride 2: Dead AheadtrueCrew
I Love You, Beth CoopertrueCrew
Rise of the Planet of the ApestrueCrew
Final Destination 5trueCrew
Underworld: AwakeningtrueCrew
The Cabin in the WoodstrueCrew
Seattle SuperstormtrueCrew
Assault on Wall StreettrueCrew
Not With His WifetrueCrew
The Bridge Part 2trueCrew
A Surrogate's NightmaretrueCrew
The Art of Racing in the RaintrueCrew
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe OriginstrueCrew
Cries in the DarktrueCrew
Dead Rising: WatchtowertrueCrew
Sniper: Assassin's EndtrueCrew
NYC: Tornado TerrortrueCrew
Stranger with My FacetrueCrew
Wedding Planner MysterytrueCrew
War for the Planet of the ApestrueCrew
Fifty Shades DarkertrueCrew
The X Files: I Want to BelievetrueCrew