Keith Sanborn
Keith Sanborn
Top Movie Cast
Emma's Dilemmatrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
Operation Double TroubletrueDirecting
Operation Double TroubletrueEditing
Operation Double TroubletrueProduction
The Vision MachinetrueVisual Effects
Something is Seen But One Doesn't Know WhattrueDirecting
The Zapruder Footage: An Investigation of Consensual HallucinationtrueDirecting
The Zapruder Footage: An Investigation of Consensual HallucinationtrueEditing
A Public Appearance and a StatementtrueDirecting
Man with a Movie Camera (Blonde; He Appears to Be Young)trueDirecting
Imitation of LifetrueDirecting
The Artwork in the Age of its Mechanical Reproducibility by Walter Benjamin as told to Keith SanborntrueDirecting
The Force of Beauty, The Beauty of ForcetrueDirecting
For the BirdstrueDirecting
One Minute for Jonas on the Day of His OccultationtrueDirecting
Negative CapabilitytrueDirecting
Joan's StudiotrueDirecting
Dreadful Penny DreadfultrueDirecting
Energy of DelusiontrueDirecting
1970 or the Collapse of History in the Hysterical SublimetrueDirecting