Rolf Forsberg
Rolf Forsberg
Top Movie Cast
King of the Hilltrue- Narrator Top Movie Crew
The Late Great Planet EarthtrueWriting
The Late Great Planet EarthtrueDirecting
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldtrueDirecting
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldtrueWriting
Beyond the Next MountaintrueDirecting
Touring Civil War BattlefieldstrueCrew
Where Jesus WalkedtrueDirecting
Where Jesus WalkedtrueWriting
Touring AustriatrueWriting
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldtrueDirecting
Casual Ties: CasualtiestrueDirecting
Touring ScotlandtrueProduction
Touring EnglandtrueDirecting
Touring EnglandtrueProduction
Touring ScotlandtrueDirecting
Touring EnglandtrueWriting
Touring IrelandtrueWriting
Touring ScotlandtrueWriting
Touring IrelandtrueDirecting
The Story of America's Great VolcanoestrueDirecting
The Story of America's Great VolcanoestrueWriting
Touring FrancetrueDirecting
Touring FrancetrueWriting
7 Signs of Christ's ReturntrueDirecting
King of the HilltrueDirecting
King of the HilltrueWriting
King of the HilltrueProduction