Gale Henry
Gale Henry
Top Movie Cast
Hollywoodtrue- Gale Henry The Love Doctortrue- Lucy What Women Did for Metrue- School Secretary aka The Keyhole Buzzard Bigger and Better Blondestrue Quincy Adams Sawyertrue- Samanthey Luncheon at Twelvetrue- Mrs. Greta Van Geldt The Wild Womantrue- The Wild Woman New Lives for Oldtrue- Berthe Universal Ike Junior Is Kept from Being an Actortrue Mighty Like a Moosetrue- Wallflower at Party The Wild West Showtrue- Zella Held to Answertrue- The Maid She Wrote a Play and Played Ittrue- Miss Exeter Scribbles Strandedtrue- Lucille LaRue Her First Flametrue- Lizzie Hap The Detectresstrue- Lizzie His Wooden Weddingtrue- Woman on Ship The Fire Patroltrue- Alice Masters Darkened Roomstrue- Madame Silvara What! No Spinach?true- Landlady Two-Time Mamatrue- Nora aka Snoopy, the Maid The Big Squawktrue- Leader of Girls Open All Nighttrue- Isabelle Fèvre Mr. Bridetrue- Mrs. Cecil's Daughter Skip the Maloo!true- Miss Henry Night Life in Hollywoodtrue- Carrie Powell Now We'll Tell Onetrue- Mortified Vocalist Tea- With a Kick!true- Hesperis McGowan Merton of the Moviestrue- Tessie Kearns Pantstrue- Lizzie the Cook Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went Drytrue- Lady Baffles / Governor’s Wife A One Mama Mantrue- Miss Glutz Top Movie Crew
The DetectresstrueDirecting
Lady Baffles and Detective Duck in When the Wets Went DrytrueWriting