Mitică Popescu
Mitică Popescu
Top Movie Cast
The Moromete Familytrue- Cocoșilă Codin si Chira Chiralinatrue- Older Dragomir Red Applestrue- Prosecutor The Secret of the Secret Weapontrue Repeated Weddingtrue- Mitica Popescu Circus Performers at the North Poletrue Miss Litoraltrue- Rudeanu, tatăl Lornei The Walltrue- ilegalistul Manea Păcală se întoarcetrue- Peasant Earth's Most Beloved Sontrue Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?true Sword Swallowertrue- Sgt. Vasile A Summer Taletrue- Lefter Stejar, extremă urgențătrue- Valetul Peter The City Seen from Abovetrue A Studio Searching for a Startrue- The Difficult Director The Momenttrue- Năiță Lucian Doctor Poenarutrue- Priest Beyond the Sandstrue- Romniceanu The Impossible Lovetrue- Tradesman Serenade for the 12th Floortrue Taste and Color of Happinesstrue- Romcescu Tragic Vacationtrue- Spânu I Hope to See You Againtrue- Gheorghe Profile Images
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