Jack DeJohnette
Jack DeJohnette
Top Movie Cast
Keith Jarrett: Standardstrue Dejohnette, Hancock, Holland and Metheny in Concerttrue Miles Davis Live At Tanglewood 1970true- Self One Night with Blue Notetrue- Self Blues Brothers 2000true- The Louisiana Gator Boys Standards I/IItrue- Schlagzeug John Coltrane Four Tenorstrue- Himself Miles Davis: Live in Europe 1969true- himself Keith Jarrett Open Theatre Easttrue- Drums Charles Lloyd - Arrows Into Infinitytrue- Drums Keith Jarrett: Standards IItrue- Drums McCoy Tyner - Guitarstrue- Drums Miles Davis: Copenhagen Live 1969true Jack DeJohnette, Pat Metheny, Herbie Hancock, Dave Holland: Parallel Realities Live... (Live at Mellon Jazz Festival)true