Violetta Arlak
Violetta Arlak
Top Movie Cast
A Few People, a Little Timetrue- Teresa The Landtrue- Inspector of the fiscal office The Swingtrue- Married Woman Warszawatrue- pani z pieskiem wchodząca do salonu samochodowego Day of the Wackotrue- matka w przedziale pociągu Night of St. Nicholastrue- Matka Ranczo Wilkowyjetrue- Halina Kozioł Warsaw Darktrue- Grottger's wife Przedwiośnietrue- Country Woman Listy miłosnetrue- Lunapark Owner's Woman Jest sprawa...true- Basia, sekretarka wójta Letters to Santa 5true- Natalia Battle of the Sexestrue- Various Characters Boys Don't Crytrue- Dean's Secretary Love and Dancetrue- Saleswoman at the Wedding Shop Women's Daytrue- Kierowniczka sklepu Let's Make a Grandsontrue- Pacjentka Janka How to Deal with a Hangovertrue- 'Megasucz' Profile Images
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